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Shouldn't be at all surprised if there's snakes swarming all over the place. That one didn't bite me, did it? Don't know that I should mind a honest bite, but some of these things are poison. Here, I have had enough of this;" and he felt about with a strange feeling of creepiness for the batten that he had not touched. This he grasped shrinkingly. "Oh, this ain't a snake," he said.

Half an hour with her fiddle, and Lance at his best, completely charmed it away. But the creepiness of it had been very real: and the memory remained.

Again I felt with a creepiness, that set all my flesh quaking, felt, rather than saw, those maddening, tiger eyes of the dark foliage watching me. Looking up, I found my morose canoeman on the other side of the fire, leaning so close to a tree, he was barely visible in the shadows.

In a short time not a rat remained on the water and the arms too subsided and sank. White and shaky from the creepiness of the scene they had just witnessed the boys turned to Ben. The old mariner was mopping the sweat off his brow with a huge, red bandanna handkerchief. "Wall, boys, if that's one of the sights of the Sargasso," he said, "I'd prefer Africa or even the Everglades oof."

You come inside where yuh can't watch it. That's what does the damage watchin' and wonderin' and then goin' to see. I bet you wanta strike out right now and see just what it is." I didn't admit it, but Casey had guessed exactly what was in my mind. I was itching with curiosity and trying to ignore the creepiness of it.