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Updated: August 15, 2024
Ripton's only definite answer was, a gasping iteration of "My lord." My lord resumed: "I am perfectly guiltless of offending him, as far as I know. In fact, I had a friendship for him. Is he liable to fits of this sort of thing?" Not yet at conversation-point, Ripton stammered: "Fits, my lord?" "Ah!" went the other, eying Ripton in lordly cognizant style.
Ripton's only definite answer was, a gasping iteration of "My lord." My lord resumed: "I am perfectly guiltless of offending him, as far as I know. In fact, I had a friendship for him. Is he liable to fits of this sort of thing?" Not yet at conversation-point, Ripton stammered: "Fits, my lord?" "Ah!" went the other, eying Ripton in lordly cognizant style.
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