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"That would be no good, Senor," said Panza. "My employer warned me that, should I attempt to betray him, he would simply deny every word I might say; and who would take the word of a suspected contrabandista against that of a well, a Spaniard of high position?

In a moment the hut of the contrabandista was in flames, the dry palm-leaves blazing up like flax. "Merciful Heaven! they are going to roast us!" With this horrible apprehension, we were dragged up towards the burning pile, close to which stood our fierce judge and executioner. The bamboos blazed and crackled, and under their red glare we could now see our captors with a terrible distinctness.

Fortunately for the Spanish party, the cessation of the attack on the part of the French gave the former breathing-time as well; and, wearied out though he was, and rather badly wounded, the contrabandista hurriedly gathered his men together, and though ready to upbraid them bitterly for the way in which they had yielded to the French attack, he busied himself instead in trying to prepare them for a more stubborn resistance when the encounter was resumed.

"No; I think we came nearly over the same ground as we were going after we left that good old chap's cottage; and if we waited till it was quite daylight, and we could start off, I think I could find my way back to where we left the old man." "So do I," said Pen eagerly. "That must be the mountain that the contrabandista captain took us up in the darkness."

"I feel like a contrabandista," said Artois, as they stole under the lee of the island towards the open sea "as if Gaspare would fire upon us if he heard the sound of oars." "Quick! Quick! Let us get away. Pull harder, Monsieur Emile! How slow you are!" Laughingly Artois bent to the oars. "Vere, you are a baby!" he said. "And what are you, then, I should like to know?" she answered, with dignity.

I imagined another intrigue like that of Almaviva, but was again disconcerted in all my suppositions. The supposed lover turned out to be the husband of the lady, and a noted contrabandista; and all his mysterious signs and movements had doubtless some smuggling scheme in view . . . .

"C'est un mauvais signe, mon maitre," said Antonio, who, dressed in a green jerkin, a Montero cap, booted and spurred, stood ready to attend me, holding by the bridle the horse which I had purchased from the contrabandista. "It is a bad sign, and in my country they would defer the journey till to-morrow." "Are there whisperers in your country?"

Do you believe that a lifeless stone can preserve you from the dangers which occasionally threaten your life? Antonio. Brother, I am fifty years old, and you see me standing before you in life and strength; how could that be unless the bar lachi had power? I have been soldier and contrabandista, and I have likewise slain and robbed the Busne. Myself.

The French officers shouted their commands, and the contrabandista captain gave forth his, but in both cases it was in vain, for almost before he could realise the fact a panic had seized upon chasseur and torch-bearer alike, and soon all were in flight a strangely weird medley of men whose way was lit up by the lights that were borne and blazed fiercely on their side, while their pace was hastened by the firing in their rear.

Raoul, however, sided with the contrabandista, and explained to Lincoln that the padre was the peaceable cure of the neighbouring village, and the friend of Don Antonio; and the hunter, seeing that I did not interpose for at the moment I was in one of those moods of abstraction, and scarcely noticed what was going on permitted the priest to pass out.