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"All right," he said wearily, and with some difficulty mounting behind the cowboy, they were off the weary way he had come. Jack, at the construction-train, rose late that morning. He had been up nearly all night, awaiting news from the viaduct search-party, which throughout the entire day had been scouring the nearby country for his unaccountably missing chum.

Since the construction-train had started from Yellow Creek Junction it had been a center of attraction to coyotes for fifty miles around, and one of the few recreations enjoyed by the men of the train had been hunting them at night.

You did your best. But I had to do my best too. "If you'll give me your word to go quiet, I'll let you ride behind me," he added. "Promise?" Alex cast a last look back toward the construction-train. A few figures were moving about, slowly. Clearly his signals had not been heard.

At a bend in the creek some two hundred yards from the track-machine and its string of flat-cars, Alex sharply paused. Two saddled ponies were hobbled together in the creek-bottom. Casting a glance toward the construction-train, Alex leaped into the gully, out of sight.

Some minutes later they stood in the bottom of the miniature valley, beside the unmistakably fresh hoofprints of a hobbled pony. The official was grimly silent as they retraced their steps toward the construction-train. They had almost reached it when Alex, who had been examining the fragments of burned shavings, broke the silence. "Mr.

From a clear patch of sky bright moonlight flooded the construction-train and the gray slope of the hill to the southeast about which the rails had crept that day. Grouped on the rear steps of the store-car, Superintendent Finnan and several of his foremen sat and smoked, and listened. "Yes; it's a horse," said one of the foremen. "Two horses," declared the superintendent.

The construction-train should not be far from the stretch of road which paralleled the fence! Onward he pushed through the darkness at a steady, swinging gait, feeling frequently for the fence, to make sure he was not wandering. For what seemed several hours Alex had been walking, when a faint light appeared in the sky. It was to his right. His plainsmanship had not put him amiss.

Alex had been considering. "Look here, Little Hawk," he suggested, "you ride back to the construction-train and give the alarm, will you? I think we have these fellows scared now, and can hold them till help comes. And none of us could ride that pony of yours." "I findum nother hoss cowboy hoss," said the Indian, pointing the way he had come. "You go, takeum, Little Hawk stay fight."