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In November he painted his last three water-colours visions of the East, painted for her, and as flower-bright as possible, 'because flowers were scarce' in the doomed city. December came. Regnault spent Christmas night at the advanced post of Colombes. His captain wished to make him an officer.

She retired to her chateau at Colombes, near Paris, where she died in August, 1669, after a long illness; the immediate cause of her death being an opiate ordered by her physicians. She was buried, September 12th, in the church of St. Denis. Her funeral sermon was preached by Bossuet. Sir John Reresby speaks of Queen Henrietta Maria in high terms.

When they arrived under the trees where the roads from Colombes and from Chatou cross, they would take off their heavy helmets and wipe their foreheads. They always halted on the Bezons bridge to look at the Seine, and would remain there two or three minutes, bent double, leaning on the parapet.

An extraordinary luxury, this. We were thirteen at table. January 6. At dessert yesterday I offered some bonbons to the ladies, saying as I did so: Grace a Boissier, chere colombes, Heureux, a vos pieds nous tombons. Car on prend les forts par les bombes Et les faibles par les bonbons. The Parisians out of curiosity visit the bombarded districts.