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Colby chairman. It obtained $9,000 which were used for the expenses of the Press Committee, that had its office at the National Suffrage headquarters in New York, for news bulletins every day, plate matter, interviews, stories, advertising cards and posters in the trolley cars and the stations of the Hudson Tunnels system; illuminated signs and street banners in New Jersey cities and a half-page advertisement in all the papers of the State at the end of the campaign.

He arrived at the place where Colonel Colby is measuring the base line, just at the time when they had completed the repetition of the operation; and he saw, by the instrument, which had not been raised from the spot, that the accuracy of the repetition was within half a dot the twelve-thousandth part of an inch. Mr. Herschel has travelled on the Continent.

"Personally I never want to set eyes on Sobber again," said Dick, with a shrug of his broad shoulders. "The idea of introducing that deadly snake into the school was the limit. Why, half a dozen of us might have been bitten instead of only poor Pell." "Maybe he did it only for a joke," said Larry Colby, another of the cadets.

"You boys are simply horrid, don't you know!" cried Tubbs, and, pushing his way through the crowd, he walked to the other end of the boat. "Being away from school hasn't done Tubby any good," was Fred Garrison's remark. "He thinks he's the High Tum-Tum, and no mistake." "Don't fret, he'll be taken down before the term is over," came from Larry Colby.

The little ferret-faced youth in the corner was Regie Colby, who wrote the Entre- Nous paragraphs in the Social Searchlight: the women were charming to him and he got all the financial tips he wanted from their husbands and fathers. And the women? Well, the women knew all about the men, and flattered them and married them and tried to catch them for their daughters.

The Federal Suffrage Amendment proclaimed by Secretary of State Colby Aug. 26, 1920, included the women of the Territories and it was thus that Hawaiian women became enfranchised. They voted in large numbers at the November elections that year.

In other words, Colby will bribe the press to silence, at least until the case develops." "I'm glad of that," exclaimed Beth. "What do you think of this queer business, Arthur?" "Why, I've no doubt of the boy's innocence, if that is what you mean. I've watched him closely and am positive he is no more Jack Andrews than I am.

"Of course he has. Be a good sport, Gordon. Don't kick on the umpire's decision. Play the game." "That's all very well. But what about her? Am I to sit quiet while she is sacrificed to a code of honor that seems to me rooted in dishonor?" "She is not being sacrificed. I'm her cousin. I'm very fond of her. And I'd trust her with Colby Macdonald." "Play fair, Diane.

Colby, that Miss Stanton's suggestion will afford you an excellent line of defense." "I shall not neglect it, you may be sure," replied the lawyer. "Tonight I'll try to figure out, as nearly as possible, the total cash value of all the stolen pearls, and of course Jones will tell us what he paid for his stock, or how much it is worth.

"Terry will do well enough. But wait till the pinch comes. You don't know how he'll turn out when the rub comes. Then blood will tell!" She shrugged her shoulders angrily. "You're simply being perverse now, Vance. At any rate, that picture is one of Terry's old 'ancestors, Colonel Vincent Colby, of prewar days.