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Updated: January 7, 2025
They were "Langeval and Rossewal, tofftys de Dovyr, Achenedess, Clibr', Ardovyr and Cornefern," which now are known in part as Langdale, Rossal, Achness, Clibreck and Coire-na-fearn, while "tofftys" are "tofts," and "Dovyr" and "Ardovyr" are respectively old Gaelic for "water" and for "upper water."
The second branch was that of the younger Freskin de Moravia, great-great-grandson of the original Freskyn, and ancestor of the Lords of Duffus, who obtained lands, which were mainly in modern Caithness, and also in the upper portion of the valley of the Naver and the valley of Coire-na-fearn in Strathnavern, by marriage with the Lady Johanna of Strathnaver about 1250.
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