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I spent a great part of the day in the Museum. It contains a large and well classified collection of natural history, of objects of ancient and medieval art, of ancient manuscripts, of coins, of pictures, sculpture, &c. Saw the horns of a South African ox, each of which was about four feet long and five or six inches thick. The Wonderful Clock of Jacob Lovelace.

He came out of the pawn-office joyfully, making a little cylinder, of the coins between his thumb and fingers. In Westmoreland Street the footpaths were crowded with young men and women returning from business and ragged urchins ran here and there yelling out the names of the evening editions.

Practically every soldier carries some kind of mascot or charm. A good many are crucifixes and religious tokens. Some are coins. Corporal Wells had a sea shell with three little black spots on it. He considered three his lucky number. Thirteen was mine. My mascot was the aforesaid and much revered Dinky. Dinky was and is a small black cat made of velvet.

Across the glittering water lay on one side the Shalimar Garden known to all readers of "Lalla Ruhk" a paradise of roses; and beyond it again the lovelier gardens of Nour-Mahal, the Light of the Palace, that imperial woman who ruled India under the weak Emperor's name she whose name he set thus upon his coins: "By order of King Jehangir.

"I will help you take him for thirty silver coins." The dreadful offer was made. He was pale, and beads of sweat stood out on his forehead. "Will you help us arrest him secretly so that the people will not find out?" Every eye was on Judas. "I will." "Very well, then. It is a bargain." Late that night Judas crept into the olive orchard.

And there the conversation ended: they had reached the plaza, and a babel of voices surrounded them. Governor Alvarado stood on the upper corridor of his house, throwing handfuls of small gold coins among the people, who were shrieking with delight. The girl guests mingled with them, seeing that no palm went home empty.

No; I want them all to be luminaries, like me in fact! Therefore, it is urgently necessary to conquer a kingdom for each one of them, so that the French nation may be masters everywhere, so that the Guard may make the whole earth tremble, and France may spit wherever she likes, and every nation shall say to her, as it is written on my coins, 'God protects you."

Over the dreary downs of his native Cumberland the aged laureate was wandering with bowed head and countenance of sorrow. Times were bad with the old man. In the south pocket of his trousers, as he set his face to the north, jingled but a few odd coins and a cheque for St. Leon water. Apparently his cup of bitterness was full.

O does he think of me, my only joy, Who have no other treasure here below? Long time have we been parted by mishap: I'm tired of picking rags and sick of song; God who sees all reward you all ere long: O drop a trifle in poor Lasse's cap!" When Lasse had finished his song the people clapped and threw down coins wrapped in paper, and he went round picking them up.

It would leave her, in fact, with exactly one hundred and twenty-six crowns out of her entire savings, plus the coins she had in her purse. "Any extras?" she asked, a little hoarsely. He shrugged. "There's Traveler's Rest," he said negligently. "Nine hundred for the three dive periods. But Rest is optional, of course. Some passengers prefer the experience of staying awake during a subspace dive."