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This variety is not encountered in the southern ranges of mountains in the Alps, Pyrenees, and Carpathians. Whether this black bear is a distinct species was not a question with them. They knew that by most naturalists he is recognised as a variety by some a permanent one. It was therefore certainly included in the conditions of their father's letter; and a skin must be procured coute qui coute.

Here Death acts on the principle ce n'est que le premier pas qui coute, and the premier pas was made easy for him. We may continue to examine the stories which account for death as the result of breaking a taboo. Some one, greatly daring, bathed, and ever since Ningphos have been subject to death.

Had the crowd come up, I must have yielded nolens volens; but the man-hunter himself formidable antagonist though he appeared was still but one, and to surrender tamely to a single individual, was more than my spirit inherited from border ancestry could brook. There was too much of the moss-trooper blood in my veins for that, and I resolved, coute que coute, to risk the encounter.

But to how many sides of your national character has the Bourse of Paris magnetic attraction! You Frenchmen are so brave that you could not be happy without facing danger, so covetous of distinction that you would pine yourselves away without a dash, coute quo coute, at celebrity and a red ribbon. Danger! look below at that arena: there it is; danger daily, hourly.

"monsieur monsieur c'est chere le fromage?" "Very," we tell him truthfully. He smiles, blissfully astonished. Then, with extreme delicacy and the utmost timidity conceivable "monsieur, combien ca coute, monsieur?" We tell him. He totters with astonishment and happiness. Only now, as if we had just conceived the idea, we say carelessly "en voulez-vous?"

You see, Ginevra loved the necklace, and Andronic loved Ginevra; so he is forced to procure that charming necklace for her, coûte qui coûte, and so he goes to Shylock for it. And here you will see its value: Shylock will sell it only for a large sum. Andronic, seeing his losses, hasn't the money, but will have; glorious opening for the clause about the pound of flesh!

At these words a kick from behind apprised the loyal champion that a very ragged auditory, who for some time past had not well understood the gist of his eloquence, had at length comprehended enough to be angry. Ce n'est que le premier pas qui coûte, certainly, in an Irish row. "The merest urchin may light the train; one handful of mud often ignites a shindy that ends in a most bloody battle."

I'm ashamed of my country in this matter I have been for a long time and I mean to help Barnes out, coûte que coûte! And as to the money, Barnes, you and I'll discuss that." Barnes lifted a face that quivered, and he and Boyson exchanged looks. Penrose glanced at the pair.

When, therefore, the invitation to Callonby arrived, a grave council of war was summoned, to deliberate upon the mode of transit, for the honour could not be declined, "coute qui coute."

Bearing in mind that the guests come as late as they dare, without being absolutely uncivil, that dinners are served as rapidly as is physically possible, and that the circle breaks up as soon as the meal ends, one asks one’s self in wonder why, if a dinner party is such a bore that it has to be scrambled through, coûte que coûte, we continue to dine out?