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Hath was on the river, he had been to see the sunrise; even now she thought the laughter and singing down behind the bend might be the king's barge coming up citywards. "He will not be late," said my companion, "because the marriage-feast is set for tomorrow in the palace." I became interested.

They drove along the Embankment, citywards. The heat of the city seemed to rise from the pavements. The wall of the Embankment was lined with people, leaning over to catch the languid breeze that crept up with the tide.

We passed a party of closely veiled women, as we strolled citywards, taking advantage of a break in the wet weather to visit their gardens, carrying a great key, and accompanied by two or three ink-black slaves, fine upstanding women, well fed and clothed, looking good-tempered to a fault, whose children, by the same husband and master, would rank equally with those of the wives.

"For Thy reason is contrary to the reason of men. Nevertheless Thy will be done." Then he rose up from his knees, and set out on his way citywards. On that day Fra Giovanni had left the Monastery at early dawn, the hour when the birds awake and begin singing.

These thoughts flitted through his mind, yet not consecutively, as the car left the grounds, and turned on to the main road, leading citywards. They were still skirting the Coolidge estate, although the house behind was concealed by shrubbery. The road descending into a ravine spanned by a concrete bridge, and a rather dense growth of trees shut out the surrounding landscape.

Dunbar's reflections this day were evidently not of a pleasant nature. He was very pale as he rode citywards, in the comfortable brougham, from the Clarendon; and his face had a stern, fixed look, like a man who has nerved himself to meet some crisis, which he knows is near at hand. There was a stoppage upon Ludgate Hill.

But the tall, grey column of stone will still be there a monument to one man's fidelity to a generation yet unborn and will endure from everlasting to everlasting. Journeying toward the upper course of the Capilano River, about a mile citywards from the dam, you will pass a disused logger's shack.