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"It is Edwin Forrest," said Darrel, as the stranger offered his hand. "The same, and at your service," the great actor replied. "And may I ask who are you?" "Roderick Darrel, son of a wheelwright on the river Bann, once a fellow of infinite jest, believe me, but now, alas! like the skull o' Yorick in the churchyard." "The churchyard'" said Forrest, thoughtfully.

Now Dick Taverner had an especial grudge against our two extortioners, for though he himself, being 'prentice to a bookseller in Paul's Churchyard, had little concern with them, he was the son of an inn-keeper Simon Taverner, of the Emperor's Head, Garlick Hill who had been recently mined by their exactions, his licence taken from him, and his house closed: enough to provoke a less mettlesome spark than Dick, who had vowed to revenge the parental injuries on the first opportunity.

When we came near the churchyard, we had to cross an embankment, and get over a stile near a sluice-gate. "Halloa!" he growled, "where are you two going?" "Where should we be going, but home?" "Well, then," said he, "I'm jiggered if I don't see you home!" This penalty of being jiggered was a favorite supposititious case of his.

She seemed on the point of saying a kind word or two more, when, seeing the beadle coming toward me, she drew back, as if she was afraid of him, and left the churchyard. "Here's my subscription toward the funeral," said the beadle, giving me back his shilling fee. "Don't say anything about it, for it mightn't be approved of in a business point of view, if it came to some people's ears.

The low wall of the churchyard was bounded on one side by a plantation, and was joined by a park paling, in which I noticed a small wicket-gate. Mr. Garthwaite opened it, and led me along a shrubbery path, which conducted us circuitously to the dwelling-house. We had evidently entered by a private way, for we approached the building by the back.

"Come, we shall proceed to the grave of my Isabella," said he. "You are unable," said I. "Your limbs will not carry you that length; and you are, besides, unfitted by the state of your mind and feelings, for an investigation of this kind. Stay here with your son, and I will go to the churchyard and satisfy myself of the deception under which George, doubtless, labours."

He was simply but neatly clad in a long shroud, spotted with churchyard mold, had tied up his jaw with a strip of yellow linen, and carried a small lantern and a sexton's spade.

On her way back to the Court her eyes saw only the white road before her feet as she walked. She did not lift them until she found herself passing the lych-gate at the entrance to the churchyard.

And here, now, was St. Paul's surrounded by dingy, desolating houses, as if an effort were being made to conceal the church from view. He hurried through the churchyard until he reached the western end of the Cathedral, where some of his disappointment dropped out of his mind.

He tried to convert her to republican atheism, until the family, becoming alarmed, interfered, and Harriet was disposed of otherwise. "Married to a clod of earth!" exclaims Shelley. He spent nights "pacing the churchyard," and slept with a loaded pistol and poison beside him. He went in to residence at University College, Oxford, in the Michaelmas term of 1810.