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Menechini enjoyed an immense, if brief, popularity which he used to allay the anger of the mob and to procure the safety of obnoxious persons. The King sent two generals and a body of troops against the Chartists, but when the Carbonari symbols were recognised on the insurgent flags, the troops showed such clear signs of wishing to go over to the enemy that they were quietly taken back to Naples.

Thomas Joy delivered all this, as it went on, to William Butcher. William Butcher delivered it again to three Birmingham Parlours, from which it got to all the other Parlours, and was took, as I have been told since, right through all the shops in the North of England. William Butcher delivered, at his Parlour, in a speech, that it was a Patent way of making Chartists. But I hadn't nigh done yet.

The right of voting by Secret Ballot, deposited in a ballot-box, has also been acknowledged as a part of the modus operandi of all British elections. In like manner the Property Qualification formerly imposed on candidates for Parliament, against which the Chartists so vehemently and justly declaimed, has long since been abolished.

He sees a torrent of American vulgarity and "laideur" threatening to overflow Europe. He thinks England, as it is, "not liveable-in," but is convinced that a Government of Chartists would not mend matters; and, after telling a Republican friend that "God knows it, I am with you," he thus qualifies his sympathy

Measures of Ecclesiastical Reform. Death of William IV., and Accession of Queen Victoria. Rise of the Chartists. Resignation of Lord Melbourne in 1839, and his Resumption of Office. Marriage of the Queen, and Consequent Arrangements. The Precedence of the Prince, etc. Post-office Reform. War in Afghanistan. Discontent in Jamaica. Insurrection in Canada.

Who? shriek not in your Belgravian saloons the Chartists; the communist Chartists: upon whom you and your venal press heap every kind of cowardly execration and ribald slander. You have found out many things since Peterloo; add that fact to the number.

Three men of genius took up their parable about what one of them called the 'Condition of England Question, and in the pages of Carlyle's 'Chartism' and 'Past and Present, Disraeli's 'Sybil, and last, but not least, in Kingsley's 'Alton Locke, the reader of to-day is in possession of sidelights, vivid, picturesque, and dramatic, on English society in the years when the Chartists were coming to their power, and in the year when they lost it.

The modern substitute, 'meeting, has no taxing powers, no legal officers, no constitutional power any more than a mob.... The sands of the Whigs run fast out, and it is high time for the Radicals to have a creed. Do you find any Chartists listen to you? If you cannot convert a Sheriff, I should be as well pleased with a hundred Chartists, for they learn from one another by contagion."

Again, we have got most of those Points for which the Chartists once so passionately struggled. As for those we have not got, there is no longer much enthusiasm left for them. The world does not seem so far very substantially advanced by the concession of the Points; yet we would not willingly give them back and return to the old order.

He adopted the views of the Chartists in an extreme form, and was imprisoned for two years for seditious speeches, and on his release conducted a Chartist newspaper. Afterwards, when the agitation had died down, he returned to his practice as a barrister, which he had deserted, and also wrote largely.