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Palms have disappeared; for the most part they grow only near the sea. The Indian flora is too often slandered and misrepresented as being full of beautiful, but scentless, flowers. The aroma of champa alone is so powerful as to make one almost giddy. For size, it is the king of flowering trees, and hundreds of them were in full bloom, just at this time of year, on Mataran and Khandala.

A city, this Denver, well-laid out Laramie street, and 15th and 16th and Champa streets, with others, particularly fine some with tall storehouses of stone or iron, and windows of plate-glass all the streets with little canals of mountain water running along the sides plenty of people, "business," modernness yet not without a certain racy wild smack, all its own.

At his recommendation and expense, some of the villagers performed the necessary rites for the dead, one of the female neighbours remaining with the bereaved girl. When Kunda saw that they had taken her father away, she became convinced of his death, and gave way to ceaseless weeping. In the morning the neighbour returned to her own house, but sent her daughter Champa to comfort Kunda Nandini.

From out of a doorway stepped a young fellow with his hand on his hip. Pete's six-gun flashed upward in a quarter curve even as the bullet crashed on its way. The youth staggered against the wall and sank together into a heap. Champa, every sense alert, fired again, then waited warily to make sure this was not a ruse of his victim.

In Ceylon, Burma, Siam, Camboja, Champa and Java, religion, art, the alphabet, literature, as well as whatever science and political organization existed, were the direct gift of Hindus, whether Brahmans or Buddhists, and much the same may be said of Tibet, whence the wilder Mongols took as much Indian civilization as they could stomach.

Arriving next at Champa, and bathing in the Bhagirathi, and seeing Danda one earneth the merit of giving away a thousand kine. Then should one go to the sacred Lapetika, graced by the presence of the pious. By so doing one reapeth the merit of the Vajapeya sacrifice and also becometh regarded by the gods. Here is Matanga's tirtha called Kedara, O son of the Kuru race!

Champa was of the same age as Kunda, and her friend. She strove to divert her mind by talking of various matters, but she saw that Kunda did not attend. She wept constantly, looking up every now and then into the sky as though in expectation. Champa jestingly asked, "What do you see that you look into the sky a hundred times?"

In the south, Chinese Buddhism spread into Annam rather late: according to native tradition in the tenth century. This region was a battlefield of two cultures. Chinese influence descending southwards from Canton proved predominant and, after the triumph of Annam over Champa, extended to the borders of Camboja.

No great search was made after me, and by keeping quiet and going out only at night I escaped further arrest. You know how Chandavarma besieged Champa, and how Sinhavarma was defeated and taken prisoner.

For Roush had led him into this cunningly by bribery and flattery. He had fed the jealousy of Pete, who could not brook the thought of a rival bad man in his own territory. He had hinted that perhaps Champa had better steer clear of this youth, whose reputation as a killer had grown so amazingly. Ever since Clanton had killed Warren the bad man had intended to "get him."