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The golden circlet was to be given to the fairest lady in the field, and she was to be called the 'Queen of Beauty. On his way to Carleon, Pelleas rode along a hot and dusty road. There were no trees to shelter him from the scorching sun, but he rode on steadfastly, for he knew that a great shady forest lay before him.

Nearer it grew, and nearer, till presently there emerged from a side street a procession of black monks who bore in front of them a crucifix of white ivory. Along the narrow margin which lay between the houses and the canal they marched, followed by a great multitude of silent people. "It is a dirge for the dead that they sing," said Dame Carleon, "and yet they bury no man.

It stated that the Doge would hold a Court at noon, after which it was his pleasure to receive the English knight who came as a messenger from the mighty monarch, King Edward, and to talk with him on matters set out in the letter of Sir Geoffrey Carleon.

There were also doubts as to Carleon Anthony's complete sanity for some considerable time before he died. Most of the above I elicited from Marlow, for all I knew of Carleon Anthony was his unexciting but fascinating verse.

"The three honorable feasts of the island of Britain: The feast of Caswallaun, after repelling Julius Caesar from this isle; The feast of Aurelius Ambrosius, after he had conquered the Saxons; And the feast of King Arthur, at Carleon upon Usk." "Guenever, the daughter of Laodegan the giant, Bad when little, worse when great."

I had forgotten; it is not a usual sauce to a banquet of honour even in Italy, and therefore, perhaps, the safer to serve. But how is it to be done? Poison? He is in Carleon's house; Carleon has faithful servants. Though perhaps a basket of rare fruits but then he might not eat them; those Englishmen live mostly on half-raw meat. The signora would probably eat them, and the others."

Once I remember "My wife's sailor-brother Captain Anthony" being produced in connection with nothing less recondite than a sunset. And little Fyne never failed to add "The son of Carleon Anthony, the poet you know." He used to lower his voice for that statement, and people were impressed or pretended to be."

Still 'tis true that had it not been for this brave knight and his squire I must have lain where I was till I perished." Now Lady Carleon raised herself slightly and looked at Hugh and Dick, who stood together, bewildered and overwhelmed. "Heaven's blessings be on your heads," she exclaimed, "for these Venetians would surely have left him to his doom.