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But I am not a whale on the sea of Real Politik. Your whale is a fish that bores, always. Perhaps if you ask Fritz he will know." "By the way," said Donovan, "what's the man's real name?" "Once," said the King, "he was Calmet, M. de Calmet. At that time he was French. Later he was Heyduk, a Captain in the army of Megalia. Also he was Freidwig, and he came from Stockholm.

'The Hebrew word Cabala, says Dom Calmet, 'signifies tradition, and the Rabbins, who are named Cabalists, apply themselves principally to the combination of certain words, numbers, and letters, by the means of which they boasted they could reveal the future, and penetrate the sense of the most difficult passages of Scripture.

[Footnote 2: The letter of Voltaire to which the above is a reply, contained the following opinion of Walpole's "Historic Doubts"; "Avant le départ de ma lettre, j'ai eu le tems, Monsieur, de lire votre Richard Trois. Vous seriez un excellent attornei général; vous pesez toutes les probabilités; mais il paroit que vous avez une inclination secrete pour ce bossu. Vous voulez qu'il ait été beau garçon, et même galant homme. Le bénédictin Calmet a fait une dissertation pour prouver que Jesus Christ avait un fort beau visage. Je veux croire avec vous, que Richard Trois n'était ni si laid, ni si méchant, qu'on le dit; mais je n'aurais pas voulu avoir affaire

'An ephah, a measure containing three pecks and three pints. Calmet. Similar to Christian's exclamation, when calling to Faithful to stop and bear him company. See Pilgrim's Progress, Part 1st. These lines, and those on the next page, 'The eye's the light o' th' body, remind one of Bunyan's style in his Apology for the Pilgrim's Progress, 'Dost thou love picking meat?

This science does not appear to have any fixed principles, but depends upon certain ancient traditions, whence its name Cabala. The Cabalists have a great number of names which they style sacred, by means of which they raise spirits, and affect to obtain supernatural intelligence. See Calmet, Art. Cabala.

Grant of Laggan has a rather recent case, and I have heard of another in the last ten years! Calmet has a case in 1625, the spectre leaves The sable score of fingers four on a board of wood. Now for a modern instance of a gang of ghosts with a purpose!

For the same reason as that suggested by Calmet, Columella calls the mandrake semihomo: "Quamvis semihominis vesano gramine fœta Mandragoræ pariat flores." "Let it not vex thee if thy teeming field The half-man Mandrake's madd'ning seed should yield;"

His high reputation, great erudition, and rare modesty," says Dom. Calmet, "render it easy for him to insinuate his particular sentiments respecting the divinity of Christ, against which, his readers should be guarded." Some other Works of Grotius.

From consulting Horne, Calmet, and the Bible, I find there were six different ways by which the Hebrews became servants legally. A Hebrew, whose father was still alive, and who on that account had not inherited his patrimonial estate, might sell himself, i.e., his services, for six years, in which case he received the purchase money himself. Ex. xxi, 2.

By AUGUSTINE CALMET. Edited by Rev. George Sand, as elsewhere noted, has written her "Confessions," in the style of Rousseau, and a Paris bookseller has contracted to give her a fortune for them. The three greatest intellectually greatest women of modern times have lived in France and it is remarkable that they have been three of the most shamelessly profligate in all history.