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The chestnut burs had all opened; the wild grapevines, clinging to fence rails along the roadside and twining in drooping profusion over the trees in wood and thicket, had long ago been robbed of their glistening, dark clusters of frost-ripened fruit.

Nor, in view of her somnambulistic vagaries, was she greatly concerned to find, when she woke in the morning, that her slippers were stained and that her skirt was bedraggled with dew and filled with burs. Scarcely a month passed that she did not walk in her sleep.

While he hesitated, the figure moved restlessly, and a voice murmured: "Mamma, oh, mamma!" The voice thrilled Frank like an electric shock. Trembling in every limb, he sprang forward toward the prostrate figure. The woman turned her head, and he saw that it was Rena. Her gown was torn and dusty, and fringed with burs and briars.

"See, the burs don't open a bit, they are much too green to eat." But Mrs. Red Squirrel said, "If we wait for the wind to rattle them out for us, chipmunks and children from over the hill will not leave us one. If we even wait until the burs open, crows and jays will carry them off." Then she showed them how to cut off the little clusters of burs and soon they had their baskets full.

I give you infinite credit, Mr. Wheeler, for this dress. Burs. INFINITE CREDIT! Why, he'll have no objection to that hey, Wheeler? But I thought Finsbury knew you too well to give you credit for anything. Fins. You are pleased to be pleasant, sir. Mr. Wheeler knows, in that sense of the word, it is out of my power to give him credit, and I'm sure he would not ask it. Wheel.

The bark is rich cinnamon-brown, purplish in young trees and in shady portions of the old, while the ground is covered with brown leaves and burs forming color-masses of extraordinary richness, not to mention the flowers and underbrush that rejoice about them in their seasons. Walk the Sequoia woods at any time of year and you will say they are the most beautiful and majestic on earth.

The hot, sandy soil all about was covered with the flaxen burs of the betel, and the little sunlight that found its way down through the green and yellow fronds drew rambling checks on the steaming earth, that reminded Anak of the plaid on the silken sarong that Noa's father had given her the day she was betrothed to his son.

'Tis fit they should be looked after well; for they cost me a pretty penny more than their heads are worth, and yours into the bargain; but I was resolved, as we were to come to this Montem, to come in style. Miss Burs. In style, to be sure; for all the world's to be here the King, the Prince of WHales, and Duke o' York, and all the first people; and we shall cut a dash!

But that's not where you're to look for the hare, for I saw him run to the wood a little while ago." Trust carried the burs to the field and ran off into the wood. "So now I've got my seeds settled," said the burdock and laughed to herself contentedly. "But goodness knows how the thistle is going to manage and the dandelion and the bell-flower and the poppy!"

"A nipping frost was in the air, On flowers and grass it fell; And the leaves were still on the eastern hill As if touched by a fairy spell. "To the very top of the tall nut-trees The frost-king seemed to ride; With his wand he stirs the chestnut burs, And straight they are opened wide.