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At Cordova we learned that it was the closed season for bull-fighting, but vague hopes of usefulness to the Spanish public were held out to us at Seville, the very metropolis of bull-fighting, where the bulls came bellowing up from their native fields athirst for the blood of the profession and the aficionados, who outnumber there the amateurs of the whole rest of Spain.

"You did not like bull-fighting, señorita?" "He watched me," she thought. "No, señor. I like nothing that is cruel." "Those soft eyes could never be cruel. Ay, you are so beautiful, señorita." "I am but a little country girl, señor. You must have seen far more beautiful women in the cities. Have you ever been in Monterey?" "Yes, señorita, many times.

Ruined at last, it became a bull ring in the last century and in the beginning of this one, when Leo the Twelfth forbade bull-fighting. Then it was a theatre, the scene of Salvini's early triumphs. Today it is a circus, dignified by the name of the reigning sovereign. Few people know that bull-fights were common in Rome eighty years ago.

You will see plenty of it in Manila, if you are so disposed; but it is not an elevating sport, any more than bull-fighting, which may possibly prevail here. Coal and iron are the most common minerals, with others; but mining is too severe work for the enterprise of the people, and I believe most of the mines of Cuba are worked by Americans.

An instant after the stakes were planted in his neck, the bull continued his charge, but by then Ferrero was out of the way. "Cogan, watching Ferrero and his companions from his retreat, began to get the bull-fighting fever. He thought he would like to try the banderillero's game that is, after he'd had a few weeks' training at it. These were fine athletes and something more.

He would have abhorred such a form of amusement, for the origin of which we must look to the barbarous Kelt; or perhaps, as is more probable, to the mysterious Iberians, since among the Latin peoples of Europe bull-fighting is found in Spain alone.

"Women must know nothing about such things." "By Jove!" and Lorimer looked profoundly astonished. "Why, Miss Gueldmar, women are going in for everything nowadays! Hunting, shooting, bull-fighting, duelling, horse-whipping, lecturing, heaven knows what! They stop at nothing salmon-spearing is a mere trifle in the list of modern feminine accomplishments." Thelma smiled down upon him benignly.

Doubtless people are lazy in Seville, but good heavens! why should one be so terribly strenuous? Go into the Plaza Nueva, and you will see it filled with men of all ages, of all classes, 'taking the sun'; they promenade slowly, untroubled by any mental activity, or sit on benches between the palm-trees, smoking cigarettes; perhaps the more energetic read the bull-fighting news in the paper.

They have not been brought up in a country where bull-fighting, as in all Spanish America, is the principal pastime, without having become acquainted with most matters relating to it.

They gave a tempting effect to the house-fronts, but they could not distract our admiration from the successive crowds of small boys playing at bull-fighting in the streets below, and in the walks of the public garden.