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She cleared her throat with the usual preliminary grunt, whereupon the girl turned her stag-like head, to gaze questioningly upwards, her expression sweetly alert, her eyes limpid, golden eyes widely opened between the double line of lashes! Miss Briskett looked, and the remonstrance died on her lips.

Miss Briskett is formidable enough when she is pleased; but when she is angry ! Cornelia, aren't you frightened?" Cornelia's joyous peal of laughter floated away on the air, and caught the ears of the industrious Morris, who was sweeping the path a hundred yards away. He turned to lean on his brush and stare, while Elma glanced nervously at the curtained windows.

Once more Miss Briskett donned her best gown, and sat gazing through the lace window curtains. At last! A cab drove up to the gate; two cabs, laden with enough luggage for a family journeying to the seaside.

"This is it, I think. Yes! You say `I have just received a cable permission from my father, Mr Edward B Briskett, to purchase the emerald necklace. I was referring to this quotation, rather than any casual remark." Cornelia leant over the counter and read the words with her own eyes; saw the signature of her own name written below in Mrs Moffatt's handwriting. "Why, of course! I forgot.

For the moment the claims of friendship were non- existent; he did not care whether Guest were pleased or annoyed; he was simply a means of escape, to be seized on without compunction. "Halloa, here you are! Just the man I wanted," he cried genially. "You shall have the privilege of driving Miss Briskett home.

Guest flushed with embarrassment; with something deeper than embarrassment; with honest shame. He clasped his hands between his knees, and bent forward eagerly. "You are quite right, Miss Briskett, there is no excuse for me. I behaved like a cad. Things got me on the raw, somehow. I imagined all sorts of things which weren't true! That's no excuse, I know. I should have controlled myself better.

If there are factories about it might pay vury well." Guest's look of stupefaction, incredulity, of horror, could scarcely have been greater if Cornelia had suggested a leap down to the street beneath. "Good heavens! what an idea! You can't realise what you are talking about, Miss Briskett. That house has been in the possession of my family since the time of the Tudors!"

If you'd given a hoot from the window I'd have hustled up, and not kept you waiting. Just hang on two shakes while I get my hat. I won't stay to prink!" "I am not accustomed " began Miss Briskett, automatically, but she spoke to thin air. Cornelia had flown up the path in a cloud of swirling skirts; cries of "Mury!

Cornelia was not in the morning-room; she was not in the drawing-room, though abundant signs of her recent presence were visible in the littered ornaments on the open piano. "I must beg Cornelia to put things back in their proper places!" said Miss Briskett a third time as she crossed the hall to the dining-room.

The windows were small, and the space inside decidedly limited, and this morning there was an unusual rush of customers. It seemed as if every housewife in the neighbourhood had sallied forth to make her purchases at the exact hour when Miss Briskett was known to do her daily shopping. At the grocer's counter Cornelia was introduced to Mrs Beaumont, of The Croft.