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He supposed strange irons were set now and then on the hide of an NL animal across the mountains but the branders had better not let him catch them at it! On the other hand, he would see to it that they did not catch him branding mavericks on his own range. To Tom that seemed fair enough, a give-and-take game of the rangeland.

Larkin looked at the money, smelt it, as he said afterwards, grimly confessing his weakness at the sight of more than he could save in years of riding the range and branding mavericks. If there had been ten seconds more Haig galloped into the crowd, which gave him plenty of room, and reined up his pony just in front of the golden outlaw.

"Aye and he said I would be profaned by the touch of any other, and so himself always washed and dressed me, and made my bed near his." "And took thee away again, and I saw thee not till thou camest with Antonio, over a year ago, to the cattle branding. And now, my Pancho, I may never see thee again." She buried her face in her hands and sobbed aloud.

The old lady was puzzled again by me having my branding done in a chute, where the poor things ain't worried more than is necessary. I bet she thought I was a short sport, not doing a thing on my place that would look well in a moving picture. She got a lot of ripping sport out of this branding. Made no difference if they was already branded, they got it again; she'd brand 'em over and over.

I am holier than thou! Therefore, for him whom we lay down to rest to- day, let there be pardon and peace! Let us remember that for all his sins he atoned, by full confession; by publicly branding himself in the sight of that society in whose estimation he had till then seemed something superior, by voluntarily resigning himself to the wrath of the Church of which he was a professed servant.

Linton used to say he possessed more than most men. The new bullocks arrived, and had to be drafted and branded during which latter operation Norah retired dismally to the house and the socks that had to be finished in time to be Jim's Christmas present. Then, after the branding, came a most cheerful time, putting the cattle into their various paddocks.

On his arrival, I was handling the irons, and paid no attention to him until the branding was over for the morning. When he introduced himself, I cordially greeted him, but at the first intimation of disappointment from his lips, I checked him. Using the best diplomacy at my command, I said, "Well, I'm sorry to cause you this long ride when it might have been avoided.

"Belllounds, it'd be better for you not to ride him now," said Moore, coolly. "Why, I'd like to know?" demanded Belllounds, with the temper of one who did not tolerate opposition. "He's the only horse left for me to ride," answered the cowboy. "We're branding to-day. Hudson was hurt yesterday. He was foreman, and he appointed me to fill his place. I've got to rope yearlings.

The big cleanskins were driven out of the branding yard into an adjoining one, and admitted back again one by one. As soon as a beast rushed through the gate a green-hide lasso was thrown. The loop fell over its horns or neck. Four or five strong niggers were holding the end of the lasso outside the yard, and they pulled the captured animal up to the rails.

They replied by branding the courtiers about Whitehall as soldiers of fortune or "Cavaliers." The gentlemen who gathered round the king in the coming struggle were as far from being military adventurers as the gentlemen who fought for the Parliament were from being London apprentices; but the words soon passed into nicknames for the whole mass of royalists and patriots.