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Ah! had fate but allowed him to share a single dwelling with Odette, so that in her house he should be in his own; if, when asking his servant what there would be for luncheon, it had been Odette's bill of fare that he had learned from the reply; if, when Odette wished to go for a walk, in the morning, along the Avenue du Bois-de-Boulogne, his duty as a good husband had obliged him, though he had no desire to go out, to accompany her, carrying her cloak when she was too warm; and in the evening, after dinner, if she wished to stay at home, and not to dress, if he had been forced to stay beside her, to do what she asked; then how completely would all the trivial details of Swann's life, which seemed to him now so gloomy, simply because they would, at the same time, have formed part of the life of Odette, have taken on like that lamp, that orangeade, that armchair, which had absorbed so much of his dreams, which materialised so much of his longing, a sort of superabundant sweetness and a mysterious solidity.

Till to-morrow, I must hurry off. Mama is in the carriage waiting for me." She disappeared as she said these last words, and I followed. When I reached the vestibule she was already at the foot of the stairs and from here I heard her clear voice call up: "Till to-morrow. Avenue du Bois-de-Boulogne, at the corner of the Villa Saïd." "I shall not go to see this mad creature," I said to myself.

Two years ago she came to Paris with her mother, and she has had a wonderful house built on the Avenue du Bois-de-Boulogne trice. She is highly educated and remarkably clever." "You do not surprise me," I replied, "for I have reason to think that this American lady is of a very serious turn of mind." My brilliant colleague smiled as he shook my hand.

'Yes, we'll indulge all your little foibles. You shall sit and "feel foolish" from dawn to dewy eve. If you had chanced to be walking in the Bois-de-Boulogne this afternoon, you might have seen a smart little basket-phaeton flash past, drawn by two glossy frays, and driven by a woman a woman with sparkling eyes, a lovely colour, great quantities of soft dark hair, and a figure