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My companion in peril was at my side, and as my blood-stained face looked as if my injuries were serious he invited me to his house, which was close by the scene of the accident. On the way we introduced ourselves to each other. His name was Hering, and he was the prompter at the theatre.

But he saw the pretty face a great deal, for Lucilla was very anxious to know things, and asked many questions about Barbadoes, and also asked if there was any probability that the brig would go straight on to that lovely island without bothering to stop at Jamaica. It was during such talks as this that Dickory forgot, when he did forget, the blood-stained letter that he carried with him always.

But Spurling had had patience. So, when all was said and done, he must consider himself a pretty worthless fellow; and, after all, Spurling, despite his blood-stained hands, was probably the better man. "Why Spurling failed to become a parson" a strange topic for thought and conversation this, on the Last Chance River at nightfall! But Spurling was speaking again, timidly and half to himself.

For years I have tried to propitiate that satrap with modest politeness and feeble little jokes. Then I will take my blood-stained way but, no! It is better not to put my victims on their guard, but to abide my time in silence! Courage, fellow-slaves, our day will come!

I have something to whisper in his ear." "Is it safe?" said the first mate to the chief engineer, gesturing with his weapon. Harrigan snatched it away and waved it like a club above his head. "Get out, or I'll bash your skull in." His face was hideous, cut and blood-stained, starved with the long hunger and lighted with the victory.

When last seen, the environs of the works were filled with violence and uproar. They were now possessed by stillness and death. The blood-stained conquerors had departed; and their camp, which had so lately rung with the merry rejoicings of a victorious army, lay a silent and deserted city of huts.

How a true book-lover winces at the thought of the public hangman placing his blood-stained hand on any book, no matter how much a "monster." From the earliest days the Puritan colonists fought stoutly, for the sake of St. Paul, against long hair. They proved themselves worthy the opprobrious name of Roundhead.

MAX. Oh, let the emperor make peace, my father! Most gladly would I give the blood-stained laurel For the first violet of the leafless spring, Plucked in those quiet fields where I have journeyed. OCTAVIO. What ails thee? What so moves thee all at once? MAX. Peace have I ne'er beheld? I have beheld it.

Had Zarah been taken from her by natural cause, the Hebrew lady would have bowed her head like Job, and have blessed the name of the Lord in mournful submission; but the thought of Zarah in the hands of the Syrians caused an agony of grief more like that of Jacob, when he gazed on the blood-stained garment of his son and refused to be comforted.

"Don't touch that crest," cautioned Ferguson, observing that Kent's glance remained focused on the blood-stained, raised letter "B" and the carving back of it. "In fact, don't touch any part of the casket, I'm trying to get finger prints." Kent barely heard the warning as he turned to McIntyre. "Haven't I seen that letter 'B' design on your stationery, Colonel?" he asked.