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He was beautiful, admirable, he admired her. "Fanny, is it true? You have come?" and "Que vous etes en beaute!" Within, a table was laid for three three chairs, three plates, three covers. He saw her looking at this. "We dine three to-night. You must condescend to dine with a sergeant. My old friend Where is Alfred?" "I am here." "My old friend four years before the war. The oldest friend I have.

I do not know whether you recollect the lines in question. I will transcribe them from memory, adding another couplet, which was only known amongst our own particular circle, but which proves most incontestably the spirit of kindness with which the stanzas were composed. Lise, ta beaute seduit, Et charme tout le monde.

Liane was dressed for travelling, becomingly if with a sobriety that went oddly with her cultivated beauté du diable, and wore besides a habit of preoccupation which, one was left to assume, excused the informality of her unannounced entrance. "Well, my dear friend!" she said gravely, halting by the bedside. "It's about time," Lanyard retorted.

It may be conceded that the form of his operas, with the alternation of airs, concerted pieces and recitativo secco, may conceivably strike the ears of the uneducated as old-fashioned, but the feelings of musicians may best be summed up in the word of Gounod: 'O Mozart, divin Mozart! Qu'il faut peu te comprendre pour ne pas t'adorer! Toi, la vérité constante! Toi, la beauté parfaite!

The perihelion of this dance seems, indeed, to have been in the reign of Charles II. Georgian writers treated it somewhat as a survival, and were not always even tender to it. Says a writer in Bladud's Courier, describing a 'soire'e de beaute'' given by Lady Jersey, 'Mrs.

We give the following example of his skill, in which he discourses upon the different effects which age produces on wine and women: "Une beaute, quand elle avance en age, A ses amans inspire du degout; Mais, pour le vin, il a cet avantage, Plus il vieillit, plus il flatte le gout."

You, who have lived so long at Paris, who speak our language in all its shades of elegance; you, who have divined all our secrets of pleasing, who have caught our very air, "Et la grace, encore plus belle que la beaute;" you, who are absolutely a French woman, and a Parisian, what a sensation you will produce at Petersburg! Quels succes vous attendent! Quels hommages!

Milord brought us over such a large packet to-day. We must have some heated up. They won't be a minute. 'Oh, mamma, I assure you I am not in the least hungry! cried Olive. 'La beauté n'a jamais faim, elle se nourrit d'elle même, replied Lord Dungory, who had just returned from the pleasure-ground whither he had gone for a little walk with Arthur.

I have also another manuscript map, made before the voyage of Joliet and Marquette, and apparently in the year 1673, on which the Ohio is represented as far as to a point a little below Louisville, and over it is written, "Riviere Ohio, ainsy appellee par les Iroquois a cause de sa beaute, par ou le sieur de la Salle est descendu."

It was a fair delicate English beauty, a little worn and faded, as if by care, but idealized and sublimated in the process. At her brightest this stranger must have been strikingly beautiful; in her sorrow she was touchingly lovely. It was what Gustave's countrymen call a beaute navrante. Gustave watched her, and wondered about her.