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At Miss Martha. "Dummkopf!" he shouted with extreme loudness; and then "Tausendonfer!" or something like it in German. The young man tried to draw him away. "I vill not go," he said angrily, "else I shall told her." He made a bass drum of Miss Martha's counter. "You haf shpoilt me," he cried, his blue eyes blazing behind his spectacles. "I vill tell you. You vas von meddingsome old cat!"

The presence in the audience of Jethro Bass, at whom many believed the remarks to have been aimed, added no little poignancy to that sensation, although Jethro gave no outward signs of the terror and remorse by which he must have been struck while listening to Mr. Worthington's ruminations of the corruption of the ballot.

One day when the postman was ill, or detained by some accidental circumstance, he sent a man in his place. Bass went up to the man, curiously scanning his face, whilst the man rather retired from the dog, by no means liking his appearance. But as the man left the place, Bass followed him, shewing strong symptoms that he was determined to have the post-bag.

Burr Gordon stood still in the road and listened. The constituents of the concert resolved themselves to his ear. There was a wonderful soprano, a tenor, a bass, one sweet boy's voice, a bass-viol, and a violin. They were practising a fugue. The soprano rang out like the invitation of an angel, "Come, my beloved, haste away, Cut short the hours of thy delay,"

IMMORAL: Don't praise the soft whiteness of a labor delegate's hands. The Ass in the Lion's Skin. An ass, by some means unknown to the writer, having managed to get into a lion's skin, ran around the neighborhood frightening the beasts into fits. When he brayed, they said: "Jupiter! what a magnificent bass voice he has!" and he was the pantata of that district until he died of old age.

Bass asked my father and me to come down for a few days," answered Cynthia, her color heightening again. Life is full of contrasts, and Cynthia was becoming aware of some of them. "Uncle Jethro?" said Bob. "Yes, Uncle Jethro," said Cynthia, smiling in spite of herself. He always made her smile. "Uncle Jethro owns the Pelican House," said Bob. "Does he?

Jennie would never have braved this local atmosphere except for the advice of Bass, who, having secured a place in Cleveland some time before, had written that he thought when she was well enough it would be advisable for the whole family to seek a new start in Cleveland. Things were flourishing there.

When the man disentangled himself from his burden, Mavis saw that the bass viol player was short, unkempt, greyhaired and bearded; he stared straight before him with vacant, watery eyes; his mouth was always agape; he neither greeted nor spoke to anyone present.

A black squall was coming down on the weather-bow, and the boat-swain's mates bellowed themselves hoarse at the main-hatchway. There is no knowing what would have ensued, had not the bass drum suddenly been heard, calling all hands to quarters, a summons not to be withstood.

He felt vaguely uncomfortable, and was about to offer atonement when Joe's deep bass voice called out: "Hello!" "Hello yourself!" came in Hepsey's highest tones, from the garden. "Want anything to-day?" "Nope!" There was a brief pause, and then Joe shouted again: "Hepsey!" "Well?" "I should think they'd break their vocal cords," said Winfield. "I wish they would," rejoined Ruth, quickly.