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Before its echoes died away the bleeding bodies were carried to where a thick, heavy smoke rising from the jungle told the shuddering missionary that the awful feast was preparing. When he looked again not a native was in sight. Standing apart in the room from the others, Blount and Banderah spoke hurriedly together, and then the trader came to the missionary. "Mr.

"No doubt he and that anointed sweep Bilker are having a very happy time together." "Father," said the girl in the native tongue, as he put down his cup, "Banderah is here. He came but now, and will not come inside, but waits for thee in the copra-house, lest he be seen talking to thee."

But suddenly, to the missionary's astonishment, Banderah, with a savage look, bade them stay where they were. He had, he said, plenty of men, and did not need Mr. Deighton's servants.

"See, now, look here, Banderah. I mean to have that gold, and I want you to help me to get it. As soon as these men on board are dead I will give you a thousand golden sovereigns five thousand dollar. Then I'll go away in the schooner. Now, listen, and I'll tell you how to do it. The Yankee and Peter are going to help."

Then Captain Bilker, alias Sykes, unfolded his plan as follows: Banderah was to entice De Vere and his friend some miles into the interior, where there was a large swamp covered with wild-fowl. Here they were to be clubbed by Banderah and his people, and the bodies thrown into the swamp.

An hour after Blount had walked along the beach to Lak-a-lak, Banderah saw the captain of the schooner come ashore and walk up the path to Nathaniel Burrowes' house, where he was warmly greeted by Burrowes and the German.

You and some of your people will go with them and sleep in the same house with them. You do that sometimes, Banderah, eh?" * "Bushmen," a term applied to natives living in the interior of the Melanesian Islands. "Yes, sometimes." This was perfectly true.