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Unpleasant as was the reception of Pote and his fellow prisoners at Aukpaque they were fortunate in being allowed to escape with their lives. It chanced that the previous year Capt. John Gorham had brought to Annapolis a company of Indian rangers probably Mohawks as allies of the English.

Anderson selected as his location the site of Villebon's old Fort at the mouth of the Nashwaak, where he obtained in 1765, a grant of 1,000 acres of land, built himself a dwelling house and established a trading post convenient to the Indian village of Aukpaque, a few miles above. He had the honor to be the first magistrate on the River St.

Gorham's Indian rangers, it appears, had killed several of the Maliseets, and Pote learned the day after his arrival at Aukpaque "That the Indians held a counsell amongst ym weather they should put us to Death, and ye Saint Johns Indians almost Gained ye point for they Insisted it was but Justice, as they Sd there had been Several of their Tribe, murdered by Capt. John Gorham at anapolis.

At Aukpaque was the Indian church and the residence of the French missionary. Their church and buildings adjoining had been demolished by the Indians themselves. The island opposite Aukpaque, called Indian Island, was the place where the Indians of the river made their annual rendezvous. "On this island," adds Mr.

They were encouraged in their hostile attitude by their missionary Germain, lately come to Aukpaque as Danielou's successor. Jean Pierre Danielou died at Quebec, May 23, 1744. His successor, Father Charles Germain, came to Canada in 1738 and a few years later, probably in 1740, was sent to the St. John River.

Quite a number of the white settlers and several Acadians were engaged by Francklin in various capacities while the negotiations with the Indians were in progress. Gervas Say and Capt. Quinton received £7 for going to Aukpaque and attending the Indians coming down to Fort Howe. Daniel Leavitt, Lewis Mitchel, John Hartt, Louis Goodine, Augustin LeBlanc and Messrs.

The proximity of the Indian town of Aukpaque; a few miles above, probably induced the majority of the Maugerville people to settle in the lower part of the township. At any rate for some years no one resided farther up the river than lot No. 57, about five miles below the Nashwaak, where lived the Widow Clark, a resolute old dame whom nothing could dismay.

Evidently the Indians had retained the practices of their forefathers as regards their treatment of captives, for Pote's experience at Aukpaque was just about on a par with that of Gyles at Medoctec rather more than half a century before. These practices being in harmony with the ideas and customs inherited from their ancestors did not readily disappear even under the influence of Christianity.

The surroundings of Aukpaque are indeed very beautiful, and as long ago as 1686 they won the admiration of Monseigneur St.

Marin's party." The Indians with Capt. Pote made seven canoes, and in these they proceeded down the Canaan river to Washademoak lake, thence up the St. John river to Aukpaque. On the way several rather curious incidents occurred.