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"I try to do what I say, Mr. Renault." "Attendez wait!" cried Mr. Renault, and closed the window. Now was Eliphalet's chance to bolt. The perspiration had come again, and it was cold. But directly the excitable little man, Renault, had appeared on the pavement above him. He had been running. "It is a long voyage from Gravois with a load of wood, Capitaine I am very grateful."

"I try to do what I say, Mr. Renault." "Attendez wait!" cried Mr. Renault, and closed the window. Now was Eliphalet's chance to bolt. The perspiration had come again, and it was cold. But directly the excitable little man, Renault, had appeared on the pavement above him. He had been running. "It is a long voyage from Gravois with a load of wood, Capitaine I am very grateful."

"Wait a moment," he said, leading her aside towards the waiting-room, while the crowd that was going to the douane passed them by. Then he turned to Julie's porter. "Attendez un instant." The man sulkily shook his head, dropped Julie's bag at their feet, and hurried off in search of a more lucrative job. "I am going back to-night," added Delafield, hurriedly.

He pushed her toward her mother, "Attendez la." "I guess we'll have to get them over to that farmhouse," he told the men. He repeated what he had got of the child's story. When he came to her laconic statement about the baby, they looked at each other.

Bring here some wine, and let the people be well served when they arrive." Presently the landlady entered with the wine, a fine, bold Provençal, and a decided royalist, as all the Provençal snow are. "Ecoutez, bonne femme, vous attendez l'Empereur n'est pas?" 'Oui, Monsieur, j'espere que nous le verrons? "Eh bien, bonne femme, vous autres que dites vous de l'Empereur?"

"Oh!-h!" breathlessly, "'h! M'sieur Frowenf' you walkin' so faz!" "Oh!" echoed Frowenfeld, "I did not know what I was doing." "Ha, ha, ha!" laughed the lady, "me, too, juz de sem lag you! attendez; wait." They halted; a moment's deft manipulation of a veil turned it into a wrapping for her neck. "'Sieur Frowenfel', oo dad man was? You know 'im?"

Quietly Mordaunt crossed the room to him. He was crouched like a monkey, his chin on his hand, and made no movement at his approach. Mordaunt reached him, and bent a little. "Est-ce que vous attendez quelqu'un, monsieur?" Dark eyes flashed up at him, and sharply Mordaunt straightened himself. "I await Mr. Mordaunt," a soft voice said.

"Attendez ici un moment, s'il vous plait, monsieur" he said, and ran off towards another hut. The horse tried to follow its master, and Royson found distraction for a jumble of incoherent thoughts in the need there was to restrain its fretfulness.

A voice called out, "I've gone to bed." I explained my lateness and said I would call to-morrow. "No, no! Attendez!" I heard him jump out of bed, stumble and grope about, and then strike a match; and in another instant the door opened, and in the interstice appeared a homely nightcapped bourgeois pulling on his trousers.

"Attendez. I must say in French what has come into my mind. Surely I am an artist according to your definition. I interpret nature, the marvellous human mechanism in terms of emotion the emotion of wonder.