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And every thistle-head by the roadside holds hundreds of these sky rovers, imprisoned Ariels unable to set themselves free. Their liberation may be by the shock of the wind, or the rude contact of cattle, but it is oftener the work of the goldfinch with its complaining brood.

There was always some flutter among Frowenfeld's employés when he was asked for, and this time it was the more pronounced because he was sought by a housemaid from the upper floor. It was hard for these two or three young Ariels to keep their Creole feet to the ground when it was presently revealed to their sharp ears that the "prof-fis-or" was requested to come upstairs.

The two girls, therefore, vied with each other in evolving rare and harmless delicacies. "Two Ariels are ministering to me," she said, "and sometimes I feel so jolly that I would like to share with that old I mean Mr. Houghton." The girls never forgot, however, the depths beneath the ripple and sparkle of the old lady's manner.

Walden murmured something inarticulate, but Adderley waved him into silence, and continued: Woodland sprites of ferns and trees, Ariels of the wandering breeze, Kelpies from the hidden caves Coral-bordered 'neath the waves, Sylphs, that in the rose's heart, Laugh when leaves are blown apart, All the Faun and Dryad crew From their mystic forests flew To the wooing of Maryllia!