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"Fer why don't ye go up ter Blakeley's?" "I don't know," Tom said. "That kid is enough ter make annybody well," Pete said. "His folks are rich," Tom said. That was just it. He was an odd number among these boys and he knew it. Fond of them as he had always been, and proud to be among them, he had always been different, and he knew it. It was the difference between Barrel Alley and Terrace Hill.

But, my dears, we cann't let annybody else have 'm. Shorrt of his bein' drowned or killed, we must intrigue to keep the wretch to ourselves." "Oh, dear!" said Adela impatiently. "Well, and I didn't say to myself, ye little jealous thing!" retorted Mrs. Chump. "Indeed, ma'am, you are welcome to him." "And indeed, miss, I don't want 'm.

It ain't often annybody comes home to it, but 't will be a great day then, and the poor old folks 'll all be calling afther me: 'Where's Nora? 'Show me Nora! 'Nora, sure, what have you got for me? I 'ont forget one of them aither, God helping me!" said Nora, in a passion of tenderness and pity. "And, oh, Johnny, then afther that I 'll see me mother in the door!"

She saw at a glance that, whatever the jest might be, Aunt Rachel was no sharer in it. "I know of no joke, Niece Ruth," said the old lady, with mincing iciness. "Theer's summat serious at the bottom on it, but the joke's atop, plain for annybody to see," said Fuller.

At sight of the servants trooping forth, she jumped up and ran to the door. "Ye don't go. Pole, they're all here. And I've been robbed, I have. Avery note I had from ye, Pole, all gone. And my purse left behind, like the skin of a thing. Lord forbid I accuse annybody; but when I get up, my first rush is to feel in my pocket. And, ask 'em!

I do feel for ye, for I feel I'd feel myself such a beast, without money, d'ye see? It's the most horrible thing in the world. It's like no candle in the darrk. And I, ye know, I know I'd naver forgive annybody that took my money; and what'll Pole think of me?

'T's a Garman man has that Prince Bloocher, they calls him. Keeps kangyroos there an' orstrichers an' things. Don't let annybody ashore there now 'cept just to Shell Beach, which he can't help." They struck straight across to the long high-ridged island in front, and Graeme's untutored eyes found no special beauty in it.

On the other hand, his thin arms and pipelike legs were concealed, respectively, by becoming cloth and canvas. As for his body, it was slender, and lithe. And how straight he stood! And how smart was his appearance! And how tall he seemed! The priest threw up astonished hands. "Shure," he cried, "and is this annybody I know?" "Oh, it is!

"Annybody as turned her loose " he continued his soliloquy after he'd jollied a newsboy into escorting her across to the Temple Bar Building, "Ought to be sent up " He vented his disgust at the "annybody" on a daring chauffeur and watched until the newsboy came panting back to his stand to nod a triumphant grinning affirmative "'Nd her head up in the air like a queen " he held his own head regally to signal the cross-town traffic, "Queer lot!" and forgot her.

'Have ye had a good manny desprit cases to-day? says I. 'It isn't that, says he, 'but I'm not a very muscular man, he says, 'an' some iv th' windows in these old frame houses are hard to open, he says. Th' Dock don't believe much in dhrugs. He says that if he wasn't afraid iv losin' his practice he wudn't give annybody annything but quinine an' he isn't sure about that.