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Now you must reside in a place for two years. Three millions of citizens are struck off the voting lists. I've been told that Bonaparte is, in reality, very much annoyed for he loves the people; he has given them proofs." He was a republican; but he admired the prince on account of his uncle, a man the like of whom would never be seen again. Bibi-the-Smoker flew into a passion.

He managed to get it on its back after a time, and though I felt annoyed at his recklessness, I could not help laughing at his antics and the comical efforts made by the turtle to escape. The turtle was duly hauled aboard, and we then continued our voyage without delay. I was dreadfully afraid of being caught in a storm. Our boat must inevitably have foundered had the seas been at all rough.

When he found them and he found them easily, for Geraldine's overexcited laughter warned and guided him Dysart, her fan in his hands, looked up at Duane intensely annoyed, and the young girl tossed away a half-destroyed rose and glanced up, the laughter dying out from lips and eyes. "Kathleen sent for you," said Duane drily. "I'll come in a minute, Duane."

After this the kettle was never robbed. Four days later we were annoyed with such a stench that it was a question of shifting our quarters. In hunting for the nuisance amongst the thicket of wormwood, the dead wolf was discovered not twenty yards from our centre.

When the Swiss invented a catch-phrase they did not drop it in a hurry. "Where did you get that HAT?" they shouted. Friesshardt and Leuthold stood like two statues in armour, paying no attention to the remarks of the rabble. This annoyed the rabble. They began to be more personal.

By this time even Grant was so annoyed at what seemed to him unreasoning delay that he sent Logan to take command at once and "fight." But on the fifteenth of December Thomas came out of his works and fought Hood with determined skill all day.

Then a lamp was lighted behind the bench on which I sat; and on the ground before me I saw a shadow beside my own. I understood and did not turn my head. A man had followed me. I felt his eyes resting heavily on my profile, on my cheek and on my ungloved hands. He was evidently going to speak. Annoyed at this, I took a little volume from my pocket and, to protect my solitude, began to read.

They passed close to me, and I heard Monsieur Ernest Legouvé say to Monsieur Delord, "My dear Sir, I recommend my play, 'Le Nom du Mari, to you; I hope you will be pleased with it!" This contrast annoyed me.

"We gypsies have lived everywhere," Babbie said, lightly, though she was annoyed at having mentioned Edinburgh. "But all gypsies don't speak as you do," said Gavin, puzzled again. "I don't understand you." "Of course you dinna," replied Babbie, in broad Scotch.

They muttered hoarsely together over Mary's head, using a strange language which she could not understand; but she made out that they were annoyed, and that they could not agree what should be done. At last the woman stooped down to her. "Where do you come from, my pretty?" she said in a wheedling tone. Mary did not answer, but still kept her face hidden.