United States or Jamaica ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There were letters from Viamede, one for Edward from his mother, one for Zoe from Betty Johnson. Both brought the unwelcome tidings that little Grace Raymond and Violet's babe were very ill with scarlet-fever. Edward read aloud his mother's announcement of the fact. "Yes," said Zoe. "Betty tells me the same thing. O Ned! how sorry I am for poor Vi!

Budden at last made up his mind, that it should not be his fault if he and his cousin were not in future more intimate. ‘I’ll break the ice, my love,’ said Mr. Budden, stirring up the sugar at the bottom of his glass of brandy-and-water, and casting a sidelong look at his spouse to see the effect of the announcement of his determination, ‘by asking Minns down to dine with us, on Sunday.’

The silence of death stole into the room. Every man's eyes were glued upon the white face of the Princess and none could break the spell. They had expected it, yet the shock was overwhelming; they had feared it, yet the announcement stupefied them. She looked straight before her, afraid to meet the eyes of her subjects, knowing that sickening disapproval dwelt in them.

Camp of Gevries. Siege of Namur. Dreadful Weather. Gentlemen Carrying Corn. Sufferings during the Siege. The Monks of Marlaigne. Rival Couriers. Naval Battle. Playing with Fire-arms. A Prediction Verified. The King's Natural Children. Proposed Marriage of the Duc de Chartres. Influence of Dubois. The Duke and the King. An Apartment. Announcement of the Marriage. Anger of Madame.

Place for the good father! place there!" A hundred loud vivas welcomed this announcement; for the name was well known to many who never had seen the priest, and cheer after cheer for the bon père now rang through this motley assemblage.

"That's right, James; it'll be ever so much more comfy." On Forsyte 'Change the announcement of Jolly's death, among a batch of troopers, caused mixed sensation. It revived the old grudge against his father for having estranged himself.

It seemed so like a dream, the announcement of the engagement of "the little Fräulein" at that Christmas party; and now the time has come when the bride is to belong to her mother and her home no more!

Such was the state of affairs when, a short time ago, the startling announcement was made that yellow fever had broken out in Shreveport, Louisiana, and that it was of the most malignant type.

The county contained nearly 18,000 souls, of whom 78 were free negroes, 20 registered indentured servants, and six slaves. Scarcely a perceptible trace of color, one would say, yet we find in the Springfield paper a leading article beginning with the startling announcement, "Our State is threatened to be overrun with free negroes."

Then, consoling the sorrowful and anxious Clara, he hurried to the best hotel in the city and made arrangements for what he meant should be an impressive scene, the announcement of her fortune. He secured fine rooms for the ladies, and ordered them a handsome lunch, with wine, etc., all without regard to expense.