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"In Dr Nittleby's own cabin, sure," answered the Irishman, grinning; "an' by the same token, sor, as he wor called away by the cap'en, he lift me here for to say, he tould me, whither ye wor di'd or aloive, sure, whin ye woke up." "I feel awfully hungry, Corporal Macan," said I, after a pause to reflect on the situation. "Have I been asleep long?"

Next thing ye know some one'll slam the dooer, not knowin' a thing, and fire up, an' it's roastin' aloive ye'll be. Shure an' it's tempted Oi am to wring yer purty neck to save yer loife," and she drove him out with the harshest of words and the gentlest of hands. Then Yan, with his arms full of labelled plants, set out for home. "Good-boi, choild, come back agin and say me soon.

I tell you it were better for you that you had never been born " "But sure, I am born; and it's mesilf that's aloive yet an' going strong." "Oh, unregenerate blasphemer " But a sudden cry and commotion interrupted the preacher. "Here, lay her down, get some water." A little girl had been hurt in the crush and now she had fainted.

Traitor, this is my time of vengeance!" As O'Toole saw before him Del Norte, with a white bandage about his head, the face of the Irishman turned ashen gray and his knees smote together. "Howly saints!" he groaned. "It is the dead aloive!"

"Be aisy, me darlint," he rejoined in his funny way; "an' if ye can't be aisy, be as aisy as ye can! Now, go on ahid wid ye'r foorst question `one dog, one bone, as me ould friend Dan'l sez." "Well, what have become of all the sailors?" I asked to begin with. "The sailors? Why, here we are, sure, all aloive an' kickin'! What do ye take me an' me lazy mates here for, ma bouchal?"

"Whist, now, sergeant laddies!" he exclaimed. "Look into the wather! It's aloive with wigglers of ivery variety. They're 's plinty as pays in a soup." "Ugh! And we are full of them, too, Tom," said Henry, looking into his cup with narrow-eyed anxiety.

"Och, an' shure I'm aloive, that same. But I'm more than half did, for all that; an' nearly drownded to boot. Arrah, boys! rache me a hand, an' pull me out for I can't move meself one of my legs is broke." We all three rushed down to the water whence the voice appeared to come. Under the drooping willows, where the current had undermined the bank, we perceived an object in motion.

Oi took to thinkin' it all over, an' in th' air Oi hearrud a voice whisper, 'O'Toole, yure goose is cooked, fer, dead ur aloive.

In approaching the vicinity of that ancient city, they discerned a considerable crowd upon an eminence at a little distance from the high road, and learned from some passengers who were gathering towards that busy scene from the southward, that the cause of the concourse was, the laudable public desire "to see a doomed Scotch witch and thief get half of her due upo' Haribeebroo' yonder, for she was only to be hanged; she should hae been boorned aloive, an' cheap on't."

This is a job for officers." He began to paddle out, the ripples playing about his ankles. Blob's presence braced him to his task. It called to his spirit of a gentleman. He would just show this lout what blood meant. Blob followed him with awed eyes. "She's aloive," he warned his brother-boy. "She'll swallow ee." "No, she won't," Kit replied. "She's an old friend of mine."