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But the secret had been stolen by the dexterity and diligence of the Arabs: the caliphs of the East and West scorned to borrow from the unbelievers their furniture and apparel; and two cities of Spain, Almeria and Lisbon, were famous for the manufacture, the use, and, perhaps, the exportation, of silk.

She dashed into the crude and sketchy character bold strokes of Nature and illuminative gleams of genius, all her own. Mr. Bury, as Osmyn, was cold and unsympathetic, avoided the eye of Zara, and was even more tender than was "set down in the book" to Almeria. "How well he acts his part!" said to herself the generous Zelma.

I am sure I remember, as if it was yesterday, her introducing Miss Turnbull to me, and the affectionate way in which she spoke of her and I particularly recollect hearing Almeria Turnbull, amongst other grateful things, say, that she should wish to live and die with her friends at Elmour Grove. Then she had stronger reasons afterwards for being attached to them you know it was Mr.

But I am very desirous of adding no more expense to that which this Order will cost you. Almack's was last night very full; Lady Anne and Lady Betty were there with Lady Carlisle. The Duchess of Gordon made her first appearance there, who is very handsome; so the beauty of the former night, Lady Almeria Carpenter, was the less regarded. We will follow, if you please, the veteris vestigia flamme.

Is not such meanness really astonishing?" "It would be astonishing, perhaps," replied Frederick, "if we did not see similar instances every day. Lady Stock, you know, is nothing but a mere woman of the world." "I hate mere women of the world," cried Almeria. Ellen observed, that it was not worth while to hate, it was sufficient to avoid them.

My father's life had been despaired of some time you must have seen how much he was changed when you were here a few weeks ago." Almeria could make no reply; the tears, in spite of all her efforts to restrain them, rolled down her cheeks: the cold, and almost severe, manner, in which Frederick spoke, and the consciousness that she deserved it, struck her to the heart.

This lady's flattery, therefore, lost all its power to charm, but yet it became necessary to Almeria; and even when she knew that she was duped, she could not part with Mrs. Ingoldsby, because it was not in her power to supply the place of a flatterer with a friend. A friend! that first blessing of life, cannot be bought it must be deserved. Miss, or as she must now he called, Mrs.

To her, the Osmyn of the night was radiant with all heroic qualities and manly graces, the weakly simulated sorrow of Almeria brought real tears to her eyes, and she drew her white shoulders forward with a shudder when the wooden Zara kindled into cursing and jealous rage.

"It is my heart, not my imagination, that speaks," said Almeria, laying her hand upon her heart, or upon the place where she fancied her heart ought to be. "Your understanding will, perhaps, speak a different language by and by, and your heart will not be the worse for it, my good young lady," said old Mr. Elmour. Almeria persisted even to tears; and it was not till young Mr.

Zara, the Captive Queen, is beyond comparison the strong character of this play. There is a spice and fire even in her wickedness, which make her terribly attractive, and give her a more powerful hold on the sympathies than the decorous and dolorous Almeria, for all her virtuous sorrows and perplexities.