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And I will tell thee about the people living in it, for I am the daughter of the king, Alkinoös, who reigns over this island." When Nausicaä had spoken thus to Odysseus, she turned to her maids and commanded them not to flee from the wanderer, but to bring him food and drink, since Zeus sent the poor and the stranger to be cared for.

The guests all greeted Odysseus with approving words, and promised to aid him. Then they rose, and each man went to his own home. Odysseus remained in the hall with Aretè and Alkinoös. As they conversed, the queen noticed the garments of Odysseus, because she had woven them herself, and she said to him: "Stranger, who art thou, and from what land?

But Poseidon stirred the winds and waves against me, and I was thrown upon the shores of this island, near the lavers, where thy daughter and her maids went to wash the household linen. There the princess found me, and supplied me with food and the garments I have on." "One duty my daughter left undone," Alkinoös said. "She should have brought thee home with her."

One watered the orchard, and the other ran to the very door of the palace, and all the people filled their pitchers there. Such were the gifts Alkinoös had received from the gods. After Odysseus had contemplated these wonders to his heart's content, he entered the main hall.

"While they are doing this the stranger shall come to my halls with the chiefs and princes, where we will make a great banquet. Summon also the bard, Demodokos, that he may enliven the festival with his harp and songs." Having spoken, Alkinoös rose and led his guest back to the palace, the princes following him.

"Do not blame her, I entreat," replied Odysseus, "for she bade me come with her maids, but I lingered in a grove to offer a prayer to Athena." When Alkinoös had heard this tale from Odysseus, he promised once more to give him a ship and sailors to escort him home.