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"Exactly?" demanded the Girton Girl. "Precisely," I replied. "Strange," murmured the Girton Girl. "There is no accounting for it, yet it always is so." "What is there no accounting for?" I inquired. "What is strange?" "It is a German superstition," explained the Girton Girl, "I learnt it at school. Whenever complete silence falls upon any company, it is always twenty minutes past the hour."

All this, however, was forgotten when it came to accounting for the disaster; or rather, the previous convictions only added strength to the rage of disappointment. The public by that time knew of the letter of invitation; it had been taken on the battle-field and news of it was telegraphed in, and apart from this the writers had made no secret of it.

I own indeed that had I been inclined to fall in love with any woman, I should not have made choice of Matilda Lesley for the object of my passion; for there is nothing I hate so much as a tall Woman: but however there is no accounting for some men's taste and as William is himself nearly six feet high, it is not wonderful that he should be partial to that height.

I was too heart-sick to care, though it was all his foolishness that brought the smash. "'I'm sorry, Dan, says I, 'but there's no accounting for natives. This business is our Fifty-seven. Maybe we'll make something out of it yet, when we've got to Bashkai.

The accounting branch of the service was properly administered practically, but there were about one hundred persons on the pay rolls who had no desks in the department, and who performed but little work at their homes, where some of them ostensibly were employed in copying. Several heads of bureaus were notoriously intemperate.

'I have thought that the risk was great, indeed; but I had no way of accounting for it. 'Well, it is impossible for anybody to approach without having to cross this tunnel at its dangerous part. Why, the very day before you came amongst us, some young man, after woodcock in the swamp, strayed down this way, saw water glimmering beyond him and walked towards it.

Much of it was spent in restaurants where chicken and pork chops figured largely on the bills of fare, for Tom had plentifully supplied the colored man with money, and did not ask an accounting. "What else do you do besides eat, Rad?" asked Ned with a laugh, the second day of their stay in New York.

Still, I don't suppose it had even entered Julian's mind that any suspicion could possibly fall upon him. I am greatly afraid that he has been killed or badly hurt; if not, I can see but one possible way of accounting for his absence. Mr. Faulkner was extremely active in the pursuit of smugglers, and had, we know, received many threatening letters.

In an enquiry such as this is, the only factor of any real importance as accounting for a diminished birth-rate, is the use of preventives.

I protest I feel just as if I had been reading an ill-invented story, an unnatural fiction. I cannot get these things together in my mind at all, do what I will." "There must be some way of accounting for it," said Roger. "No doubt," I returned; "but who knows what that way may be?" "You may be wrong in supposing that the people at whose houses she visits know nothing about her habits."