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Abram S. Hewitt had given the assurance or at least strong intimation that Judge Davis would be selected, as one of the arguments to induce Mr. Tilden to support the Electoral Bill. Originally a Republican, Judge Davis had for some years affiliated with the Democratic party, and had in the late election preferred Mr. Tilden to Mr. Hayes.

Leaning toward Abram, the Cardinal turned his head from side to side, and peered, "chipped," and waited for an answering "Chip" from a little golden-haired child, but there was no way for the man to know that. "It's jest as sure as fate," he said. "You think you know me, an' you are tryin' to tell me somethin'. Wish to land I knowed what you want!

'I am the Almighty God. The aspect of the divine nature, made prominent in each revelation of Himself, stands in close connection with the circumstances or mental state of the recipient. So when God appeared to Abram after the slaughter of the kings, He revealed Himself as 'thy Shield' with reference to the danger of renewed attack from the formidable powers which He had bearded and beaten.

"Hush, Silas, don't say a word until I tell you. Cupid you are the only one with any sense measure Paisley a dose of Jamaica ginger from the bottle on the desk in the office, and send Abram a drink of the bitters in the brown jug why, Car'line, what do you mean by coming into the house with a slit in your apron?" "Fo' de Lawd, Ole Miss, hit's des done cotch on de fence.

"The man who enabled me to block your game when you thought you had me down and out not through any particular kindness of heart or chivalry, but because he had the gift of insight into character the discernment to recognize a safe loan will take your place. Abram Pantin, if he wants it, will be this bank's next president." Wentz looked his amazement.

"Rather hard for you, Father Abram," said the judge kindly, "but it's a way girls have. I presume my daughter will be leaving me some day in the same ungrateful fashion. Bring around Vina's man and I will make out the license."

They are scarcely paralleled in the history of man. But how sudden the reverse? The same day when the sun was going down; lo! the brightness disappears, and an horror of great darkness fell upon him. A deep sleep fell upon Abram. This was not a natural sleep.

'Get thee out from thy father's house, and from thy country, and from thy kindred, was the command to Abram.

How was it, he wondered, that this had never occurred to him before? Examining himself, he found that he had supposed vaguely that there had been Jews from the beginning, or at least, say, from the flood. But, no, Abram was introduced simply as a citizen of the Chaldean town of Ur, and there was no hint of any difference in race between him and his neighbors.

God had plans He wanted to work out through Abram, and He could not work them out as long as he was there at Haran. Affliction came, and then we find that he left Haran, and started for the Promised Land. There is just one word there about Lot "and Lot went with Abram." That is the key, you might say, to Lot's life. He was a weaker character than Abram, and he followed his uncle.