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I call your special attention to the report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs for full information on this subject. During the last fiscal year 8,095,413 acres of public land were disposed of. Of this quantity 3,698,910.05 acres were taken under the homestead law and 2,159,515.81 acres sold for cash.

And the Council of Aix-la-Chapelle helped him to establish his reforms. As a result of the saint's exertions the Penitential Psalms and Office of the Dead were made part of the daily monastic office. The Abbey of Cluny, founded in 910, supplied a further reform tending to guard the office from further accretions. Liturgical writers give very different replies.

Whole milk 87.00 3.3 4.0 5.0 0.7 325 Cream 74.00 2.5 18.5 4.5 0.5 910 Buttermilk 91.00 3.0 0.5 4.8 0.7 165 Butter ..... ... 82.4 ... ... 3475 Cheese, whole milk 33.70 26.0 34.2 2.3 3.8 1965 " skimmed milk 45.70 31.5 16.4 2.2 4.2 1320 The dairy products vary greatly. Some cows give richer milk than others. Butter may be almost pure fat, or it may contain much water and salt.

When freedom was no longer a dream, but a reality, the Merritts started life on their own as farmers. Twelve-year old Patience entered one of the schools established by the Freedmen's Bureau. She recalls the gradual growth of Negro settlements, the churches and the rise and fall of the Negroes politically. Personal interview with Patience Campbell, 910 Cherry Street, Monticello, Florida

From 910 to 973. Expedition to Constantinople. Treaty with the Emperor. Last Days of Oleg. His Death. Igor Assumes the Scepter. His Expedition to the Don. Descent upon Constantinople. His Defeat. Second Expedition. Pusillanimity of the Greeks. Death of Igor. Regency of Olga. Her Character. Succession of Sviatoslaf. His Impiety and Ambition. Conquest of Bulgaria. Division of the Empire.

In its first year, the society received $37,779, and issued 6,410 volumes; in its seventieth year its receipts were $523,910, and it issued 1,437,440 volumes. In the Bible House, the working force manufacturing and executive numbers about 250. The auxiliaries which directly and indirectly center in this society, number about 7,000.

Grayish-yellowish stuff." "A sort of uniform?" He nodded. "With a number on it perhaps a number on a large disk of metal strapped round the left arm? D. K. F. 78,910 that sort of thing?" It was even so. "And all of them, men and women alike, looking very well cared for? Very Utopian, and smelling rather strongly of carbolic, and all of them quite hairless?" I was right every time.

Which prompted the Bishop of Langres, the Abbe Parisis, to remark: "That is the place of a dog, not a bishop." Lamartine was absent. The rapporteur of the committee, M. Waldeck-Rousseau, read a cold discourse that was coldly listened to. When he reached the enumeration of the votes cast, and came to Lamartine's total, 17,910 votes, the Right burst into a laugh.

The only specimen I have been able to procure bore the date of 910 of the Hagira, with the name of the Amir on one side, and, on its reverse, 'La Ilaha ill 'Allah." This traveller adds in a note, "the value of the Ashrafi changes with each successive ruler. In the reign of Emir Abd el Shukoor, some 200 years ago, it was of gold."

During the past year we have reduced our force in Cuba and Puerto Rico, In Cuba we now have 334 officers and 10,796 enlisted men; In Puerto Rico, 87 officers and 2,855 enlisted men and a battalion of 400 men composed of native Puerto Ricans; while stationed throughout the United States are 910 officers and 17,317 men, and in Hawaii 12 officers and 453 enlisted men.