United States or Honduras ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

We have had our 'Revolution of '88' officially called 'glorious, and other Revolutions not yet called glorious; and somewhat has been gained for poor mankind. Men's ears are not now slit off by rash Officiality. Officiality will for long henceforth be more cautious about men's ears.

A. The diameter of the rolling circle is very easily found, for we have only to divide 5,280 times the number of miles per hour, by 60 times the number of strokes per minute, to get an expression for the circumference of the rolling circle, or the following rule may be adopted: divide 88 times the speed of the vessel in statute miles per hour, by 3.1416 times the number of strokes per minute; the quotient will be the diameter in feet of the rolling circle.

His additions to Shandy are flat and witless, that on theRight and Wrong End of a Woman” (pp. 88

He makes the statement that "five die weekly of small-pox in the metropolis when the disease is not epidemic," and adds, "The problem for solution is, Why do the five deaths become 10, 15, 20, 31, 58, 88, weekly, and then progressively fall through the same measured steps?"

When that that is come and gone, England build houses of lime and stone, For after wars shall you have none. It was generally conceived to be meant, of the Spanish fleet that came in '88: for that the king of Spain's surname, as they say, is Norway. The prediction of Regiomontanus, Octogesimus octavus mirabilis annus,

Therefore on September 13 the women, already having full suffrage, went to the polls to vote on getting partial suffrage and the official count showed 88,080 ayes, 30,462 noes. RATIFICATION. Governor Milliken called a special session of the Legislature for November, 1919.

A year's average shows them to have earned $1.88 per day, or three cents per man per day more than we expected an error of 1 6/10 per cent. It was clearly understood by each newcomer as he went to work that unless he was able to average at least $1.85 per day he would have to make way for another man who could do so.

In Buffalo, Mrs. Thew Wright headed a capable board; in Rochester one was led by Mrs. Alice Clement, later by Mrs. Henry G. Danforth; in Syracuse by Mrs. Mary Hyde Andrews; in Utica by Miss Lucy C. Watson. By the end of the campaign, in addition to volunteers, 88 trained organizers were at work in the 57 counties outside of Greater New York.

Eistedd." p. 225; White, vol. i. p. 126. Dennys, p. 140; "Corpus Poet. Bor." vol. i. p. 168; "Kathá-sarit-ságara," vol. ii. p. 453, cf. p. 577; White, vol. i. p. 88; Schneller, p. 210; Robertson Smith, p. 50. Gill, p. 265. "Indian N. & Q." vol. iv. p. 147. Romilly, p. 134; Landes, p. 123. Bent, p. 13. The Nereids in modern Greek folklore are conceived in all points as Swan-maidens.

The Civil War was in full blast upon my arrival in New York, and the change of venue from Apache Land was not peaceful. The little balance to my credit from the silver mines was with William T. Coleman & Co., 88 Wall Street, and I put it up as margin on gold at $132 and sold for $250.