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The Canon of Ptolemy marks the year B.C. 688 as the first of an interregnum at Babylon which continues from that date till the accession of Esar-haddon in B.C. 680. The Assyrian yoke, in either case, must have been rejected; and Babylonia must have succeeded at this time in maintaining, for the space of eight years, a separate and independent existence, albeit troubled and precarious.

That this party, and in particular Crassus and Caesar, had a hand in the game on the present occasion as well as in the plot of 688, may be regarded not in a juristic, but in a historical, point of view as an ascertained fact.

The bulk of the Mohawks are on Grand River, Upper Canada, together with some Senecas, Tuscaroras, Cayugas, Oneidas, and Onondagas. In the state of New-York there are 5000, and in the state of Ohio 688, as we are assured by Capt. Horatio Jones, agent for paying their annuities, making in the whole, in both states, 5688. OF THEIR COURTSHIPS, &c.

A sinister dog, in all likelihood, but with a look in his eye, and the loose flexile mouth that goes with wit and an overweening sensual temperament. Certainly the sorriest figure on the rolls of fame. Paris: H. Menu. "Bourgeois de Paris," ed. Panthéon, pp. 688, 689. "Bourgeois," pp. 627, 636, and 725. "Chronique Scandaleuse," ed. Panthéon, p. 237. Monstrelet: "Panthéon Littéraire," p. 26.

Failure of the First Plans of Conspiracy In December 688 so we are told the leaders of the league thought that they had found the fitting occasion for striking a blow.

The operations of the Patent Office demonstrate the activity of the inventive genius of the country. For the year ended June 30, 1885, the applications for patents, including reissues, and for the registration of trade-marks and labels, numbered 35,688. During the same period there were 22,928 patents granted and reissued and 1,429 trade-marks and labels registered.

You know that the Metropolitan District comprises all the parishes any portion of which are within 15 miles of Charing Cross this area being 688 square miles. The rateable value of it is over twenty-six million eight hundred thousand pounds sterling. See, as you say you've a good head for figures, there's the sum on a bit of paper for you 26,800,000 pounds.

World's Mistake in Oliver Cromwell in the Harl. Miscel. vol. i. Thurloe. vol. iv. p. 670, 688. No commands, they thought, of their superiors could justify a war which was contrary to the principles of natural equity, and which the civil magistrate had no right to order.

On the other hand great exertions were made to restore to the children of the proscribed the political rights withdrawn from them , and the heads of the senatorial party were incessantly subjected to personal attacks. Thus Gaius Memmius set on foot a process aimed at Marcus Lucullus in 688. Quintus Rex and the conqueror of Crete Quintus Metellus were similarly insulted.

Great Britain's loss of officers and men at the Dardanelles up to December 11th was 112,921, according to an announcement made in the House of Commons by the Parliamentary Under Secretary for War. Besides these casualties the number of sick admitted to hospitals was 96,688.