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Hui Ssu died in 576, having sent out Chih-i into the world the year before, and having appointed Seng T'san to succeed him as head of Dzyan. Seng T'san died in 606; Tao Hsin, his successor, in 651; Hung Jen, his, in 675. Hung Jen, it appears, left two successors: Lu Hui-neng in the south, and Shen Hsiu in the north.

Many belonging to the administration of the methods of political government are in all intrusted to judicial officers either originally or by way of review. Reports, 576; 37 Atlantic Reporter, 1080; Bradley v. New Haven, 73 Connecticut Reports, 646; 48 Atlantic Reporter, 960; Upshur County v. Rich, 135 U. S. Reports, 467, 477; Janvrin v. Revere Water Co., 174 Mass.

Of the amount disposed of, 1,626,266 acres were sold for cash, 214,940 acres were located with military land warrants, 3,793,612 acres were taken for homesteads, 653,446 acres were located with agricultural-college scrip, 6,083,536 acres were certified by railroads, 76,576 acres were granted to wagon roads, 238,548 acres were approved to States as swamp lands, 138,681 acres were certified for agricultural colleges, common schools, universities, and seminaries, 190,775 acres were approved to States for internal improvements, and 14,222 acres were located with Indian scrip.

How many new species should have arisen in the last 6,000 years? Now 20 doublings of the first species of animals would make 1,048,576 species, since 2 raised to the 20th power becomes 1,048,576. Again we will favor the evolutionists, by omitting from the calculation all species of animals in excess of 1,048,576.

By Charles Lanman. Published for the Author by J.B. Lippincott & Co. Philadelphia. 8vo. $2.00. A Treatise on the Theory and Practice of Landscape Gardening, adapted to North America, etc., etc. By the late A.J. Downing. With a Supplement, by Henry Winthrop Sargent. New York. A.O. Moore & Co. 8vo. pp. 576. $2.75. By James Redpath. New York. A.D. Burdick. 12mo. pp. 349. $1.00.

A letter from Mill in the University College MSS. describes a misunderstanding about borrowed books, a fertile, but hardly adequate, cause of quarrel. Bowring's religious principles prevented him from admitting some of Bentham's works to the collective edition. Works, x. 471-72. Ibid. x. 576. Ibid. x. 588. Works, xi. 37.