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The Provisional Executive Committee of Soviets of Peasants' Delegates nominated by the fraction of the Second National Congress of these Soviets, which, to the number of 359 delegates, was organized on the basis of the principle of the defense of the Constituent Assembly, had addressed to all the Soviets an appeal inviting those who believe in the defense of the Constituante to send representatives to the Third Congress, fixed by the Committee for the 8th of January, and destined to offset the Congress called for the 12th of January by the Committee of that fraction of the Congress which, to the number of 314 votes, took sides against the power of the Constituent Assembly and joined the Bolsheviki.

The amounts paid and secured to be paid to the Government on account of the Pacific Railroad subsidy claims are: Union Pacific, cash $58,448,223.75 Kansas Pacific, cash 6,303,000.00 Central and Western Pacific, cash 11,798,314.14 Kansas Pacific dividends for deficiency due United States, cash 821,897.70 State of the Union Address William McKinley December 3, 1900

Fragment on Mackintosh, p. 314. Analysis, ii. 42. 'Odd, because Brown was six years younger than Mill. 'Education, p. 6. Analysis, i. 52. Analysis, i. xvii. Ibid. i. 70. Analysis, i. 71. Ibid. i. 78. Ibid. i. 83. Analysis, ii. 42. Ibid. i. 270. Ibid. i. 111. Ibid. i. 362. Analysis, i. 154 n. Ibid. i. 161. Analysis, i. 189. Ibid. i. 163 n. Ibid. i. 266. Ibid. i. 269. Ibid. i. 295.

The estimates for the fiscal year commencing July 1, 1878, are $16,233,234.40, exclusive of the sum of $2,314,231 submitted for new buildings, repairs, and improvements at the several navy-yards. The appropriations for the present fiscal year, commencing July 1, 1877, are $13,592,932.90.

The interest on the public debt, including Treasury notes, for the same fiscal year, ending June 30, 1860, amounted to $3,177,314.62, which, added to the above sum of $55,402,465.46, makes the aggregate of $58,579,780.08.

Parliamentary History, vol. vi. p. 449. Rushworth, vol. i. p. 224. * His credit with the king had given him such influence, that he had no less than twenty proxies granted him this parliament by so many peers; which occasioned a vote, that no peer should have above two proxies. The earl of Leicester, in 1585, had once ten proxies D'Ewes, p. 314.

There are two Suffrage Associations whose combined membership makes the organization of that country in proportion to population the largest of the kind in the world. They have 314 local branches and one of the associations has held 1,100 meetings during the past year.

These forms are common decorative elements on the exterior of jars and vases, where they occur in many combinations, all of which are reducible to these types. The simplest form of the key pattern is shown in figure 314, and in figure 315 there is a second modification of the same design a little more complicated.

They supposed that Galatia was a slip of the pen for Gallia, and argued, if to Gallia, then to Vienne, the most ancient and important city therein, q.e.d. But no bishop of Vienne appears fixed with any certainty before Verus, who attended the Council of Arles in A.D. 314.

In England the Unitarians have now about 314 chapels and emission stations; in Scotland there are only five congregations recognising Unitarianism; in Ireland about 40; in our colonies there are a few; in the United States of America the body has 256 societies; in France, Germany, Holland, &c., the principles of Unitarianism are pretty extensively believed in.