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"Now, Kanag, we are going to make Sayang and invite your mother and father so that they can see that you are a young man again," said his father-in-law and mother-in-law. They made Sayang and they sent someone to invite their relatives, and someone went to Asimbáyan of Ilang and told her that Kanag Kabagbagowan, who lived in Kalaskigan, and his wife Amau were making Sayang.

"They're working both tides under to prepare the tribes for it. They flatter themselves they can set alight a holy war that will put Timour Ilang to shame. You should hear my jezailchies talk at night when they think I'm not listening!" "The jezailchies'll stand though," said Athelstan. "Stake my life on it!" said his brother. "They'll stick to the last man!"

Another dance succeeded this one, performed by two boys, apparently each about thirteen years old, who went through it with surprising grace. Although using full-sized Parangs and shields, they whirled them round their heads with the greatest ease, for dancing, like paddling, deer-snaring, and the use of the Parang ilang, are part of the Kayan education.

I am going to see the daughter of Ginayod, who is Asimbáyan of Ilang." "If that is what you say it is all right," said Dagoláyan. Not long after Kanag reached the place where the girl was, and he talked with her. The girl who never goes outdoors said to him, "If you will get the perfume of Baliwán I will believe all you say."

The Malays with this instrument can make planks and posts as smooth as a European carpenter is able to do with his plane. The parang ílang is a fighting weapon, with a peculiarity in the shape of the blade which, Dr.

"Because I went to Ilang to see the pretty girl, and she told me that if I could get the perfume of Baliwán she would do whatever I asked, so I went. I did not want to go, for I was not sure that she told the truth, but she gave me her left bracelet, so I went.

Thirdly, of the features of Iban culture which are common to them and to the other tribes of Borneo, many seem to have been borrowed by them from their neighbours, and often in an incomplete or imperfect manner; such are the system of omenreading, the ritual slaughter of fowls and pigs, much of their dancing and tatuing, the PARANG ILANG and wooden shield, the feathered war-coat of skin, the KELURI or small bag-pipe, and the fashion of wearing their hair, all these seem to have been borrowed from the Kayans; the woman's corset of brassbound hoops, from the Malohs; the mat worn posteriorly for sitting upon, from the Kenyahs.

They are also endowed with great courage, and are very skilful in the use of weapons, especially the Parang ilang and spear. This tribe has been found by missionaries to possess some small amount of religion, inasmuch as they believe in the existence of a Supreme Being, Batara, who made this earth and now governs it.

"'Where are we going, you say, and we are going to get the perfume of Baliwán, for that is what Asimbáyan of Ilang desires." "No, do not go there, for everyone who has gone there has died." "We will go on anyway, for we are already far from our town and we cannot return without the perfume." So they left the frog and walked on.

A linen waist-cloth was Jok's only garment, while around his waist was slung the deadly "Parang ilang," its sheath ornamented with tufts of human hair, trophies of the wearer's prowess on the war-path, for Jok's bravery is renowned throughout the Rejang district.