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Zucker confided to Haring that the latter was totally mistaken in attributing a stand-offish attitude to Banneker. Why, you couldn't ask for a more reasonable man. Saw the point at once. "Don't you go making any fool promises on the strength of what Banneker said to you," commented Haring.

"I think you'd better explain, Betty." "Do you know Gene Zucker?" "Never heard of him." "He's a worm. A fat, wiggly, soft worm from Boston. But he's got an idea." "And that is?" "I'll tell you in a moment." She leaned forward fixing him with the honest clarity of her eyes.

They have created for their own use an inconceivably fantastic and phonetic system of spelling which they stubbornly refuse to relinquish and which often makes their writing rather difficult to read. Deeming most of the vowels useless, they keep almost exclusively to the consonants; thus Zucker, for instance, becomes Z K R; Pferd, P F R T, or F R T, and so on.

"Is that why you broke with Marrineal, Betty?" "Not exactly. No. This Zucker deal came afterward. But I think I had begun to see what sort of principles Tertius represented. You and I aren't children, Ban: I can talk straight talk to you. Well, there's prostitution on the stage, of course. Not so much of it as outsiders think, but more than enough. I've kept myself free of any contact with it.

Zucker gets his percentage of the advertising revenue which he brings in from the theaters. Therefore, will he be kind to those attractions which advertise liberally? And less kind to those which fail to appreciate The Patriot as a medium? I know that he will! Pay your dollar and get your puff. Dramatic criticism strictly up to date." Banneker looked at her searchingly.

Al Goetz edits it, you know, and he gives you the straight dope. There'll be nothing to that fight they're pulling off Saturday night at the Zucker Athletic Club Hennessey'll put it all over Schnabel in the first round. Good-by! If you hear anything of this Brunell, be sure you let me or the bank know!"

Adam had swung his hammer on the Mere and by the Zucker Canal among the citizens, who fought desperately for the property and lives of their families; but all was vain. Vargas's troopers had stifled even the last breath of resistance.

Adam had swung his hammer on the Mere and by the Zucker Canal among the citizens, who fought desperately for the property and lives of their families; but all was vain. Vargas's troopers had stifled even the last breath of resistance.

A full page I don't know what he'll offer for that. An editorial by E.B. perhaps." "Betty!" "Forgive me, Ban. I'm sick at heart over it all. Of course, I know you wouldn't." Going back in his car, Banneker reflected with profound distaste that the plan upon which he was hired was not essentially different from the Zucker scheme, in Marrineal's intent.

"So one might suppose." Banneker looked at him hard. "The idea being, if I get it correctly, that a manager who gives you a good, big line of advertising can rely on considerate treatment in the dramatic column of The Patriot." "Well, there's no bargain to that effect. That wouldn't be classy for a big paper like ours," replied the high-if somewhat naïve-minded Mr. Zucker.