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Beneath, are eight panels in low relief by Bruno L. Zimm, symbolizing Greek culture and its desire for poetic and artistic expression, conceived in a deeply classic vein and executed with spirit and grace. Below the panels is an attic of pale-green marble.

Zimm has been most successful in the fine working out of his subject in a classical way, for the style of relief work accords well in feeling with the superb classic architecture it decorates. Primitive Man Albert Weinert, Sculptor Long ages past I lived and gave no thought of time or doing aught save going as my fancy took me.

Gertrude Vanderbilt Whitney is one of the foremost American woman sculptors. The Fountain of El Dorado is her first public contribution. Bruno Zimm Bruno Zimm, living in New York, was a pupil of the late Karl Bitter. He has designed work for former Expositions, and we trust that his name will be better known in the future.

The Struggle for the Beautiful Frieze, Fine Arts Rotunda A surpassingly beautiful contribution to the Exposition art has been made by Bruno Louis Zimm in his panels of Greek culture. These lovely panels in low relief, surely worthy of a permanent medium, are set in the attic of the Rotunda or Belvedere before the Palace of Fine Arts, used and known as the Temple of Sculpture.

Altar rock, planting grown down over edge gives effect of draped altar cloth. Frieze on altar rock, below kneeling figure, by Bruno Louis Zimm, of New York. Represents "Source of Genius." In center, Genius; to left and right, mortals seeking to approach genius; lions guard the youth. Seen from across lagoon only.

Those Corinthian columns, with the melancholy drooping of the acanthus and the fretwork and the frieze, by Zimm, are suggestive of Greece. Maybeck says that his mind was started on the conception, 'The Island of Death, by Boecklin, the painting that the German people know so well as the 'Todteninsel, and by 'The Chariot Race, of Gerome."

Panels on exterior of rotunda just below dome, by Zimm, representing progress and influence of art. Eastern panel, "Struggle for the Beautiful"; in center, Truth; at sides, Persistence and Strength, struggling with centaurs, symbols of materialism.

Between the panels are repeated alternately male and female figures, symbolizing those who battle for the arts. On an altar before the rotunda, overlooking the lagoon, kneels Robert Stackpole's figure of Venus, representing the Beautiful, to whom all art is servant. The panel in front of the altar is by Bruno Louis Zimm, and pictures Genius, the source of Inspiration.

The panel to the right of the center one shows Apollo, sun-god and patron-god of the arts, drawn in his chariot, with a procession of devotees. These panels are repeated on the other five faces about the dome. They are among the finest reliefs on the Exposition buildings, and are by Bruno Louis Zimm.

And we onlookers, too, would join the moving throng that bend the knees at the altar of beauty and truth. Across the lagoon we gaze upon the great stillness, and we with her murmur, "Father, I thank Thee." The Pegasus Panel Bruno Louis Zimm There are no reliefs more classically inspiring than are these superb reliefs by Bruno Zimm. The one on the opposite page is of great beauty.