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You want to see dem niggas sneaking ’way,” resumed Pierson, “dey knows Grégor gwine fo’ce ’em drink; dey knows Chartrand gwine make it hot fu’ ’em art’ards ef dey does. Grégor he spie me jis’ I’se tryin’ glide frough de doo’ an he call out, ‘Yonda a gemmen f’um Place-du-Bois; Pierson, come heah; you’se good ’nough tu drink wid any w’ite man, ’cept me; you come heah, take drink wid Mr.

The negress was wiping a dish and giving it a fine polish in her absence of mind. When her curiosity could no longer contain itself she called out: “W’ats dat you’se doin’ dah, you li’le gal? Come heah an’ le’ me see.” Lucilla turned with the startled look which seemed to be usual with her when addressed. “Le’ me see,” repeated Aunt Belindy pleasantly.

You can make them just as quick as you can think you can make hundreds and hundreds in a day.” “My Lan’! Dat’s w’at you’se studyin’ ’bout w’en you’se steppin’ ’roun’ heah like a droopy pullet? An’ I t’ought you was studyin’ ’bout dat beau you lef’ yonda to Sent Lous.” “You mustn’t say such things to me; I’m going to be a religious.” “How dat gwine henda you have a beau ef you’se religious?”

One of dem girls is light-haired and de other is darkthe light one is de one who comes in your room in your boarding-house every morning when you’se gone away’cause you lives in a boardin’ house, I sees thatcan see it in the cards, can always tell razackly. If you make a fuss about dat article you make your landlady feel bad.

The king of clubs was the Individual at that instant, and the troubles upon which he turned his back are, as nearly as he can remember, the knave of clubs, the nine of spades, and the deuce of diamonds. The sage went on. “I’m comin’ now to your marriage. You’se goin’ to be married, but you’ll have some disappointment firstcan’t help it, my son, must tell you.