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Her brown eyes showed a dull defiance and deprecation of the human destiny. "Where is he?" he said. "Oop there, in t' room wi' 's feyther." "Been drinking again, or what?" "Naw, Dr. Rawcliffe, 'e 'assn't. I suddn' a sent for yo all this road for nowt." She drew him into the house place, and whispered. "I'm feared 'e'll goa queer in 'is 'head, like. 'E's sot there by t' body sence yesterda noon.

"Mar-r-tin does be knowin' every step of the way," suggested Kane. "But Martin hasn't been with me this summer," the lady smiled. "I thought I saw him runnin' the docther's car yesterda' week," mused Kane who was a privileged character. "Well,'tis not hard, Mrs. Gregory. The whole place is plasthered wid posts.

"Must go on milking that ould cow," he thought "tuk me to sea the prins of Wales yesterda" He could not help it he began to take a wild joy in his own inventions. "flags and banns of musick all day and luminerashuns all night it was grand we were top of an umnibuss goin down lord strete and saw him as plane as plane"

Humbly, under her master's eye, yet with a sort of happy pride about her, she set out the tea-things and the glass dishes of jam and honey and tea-cakes. Greatorex waited, silent and awkward, till his servant had left the room. Then he came forward. "Theer's caake," he said. "Maaggie baaked un yesterda'. An' theer's hooney." He made no servile apologies for what he set before her.

He sent oop soomthing " "Well, have you given it her?" Jim's voice thickened. "I sud have given it her yesterda." "And why on earth didn't you?" "The domned thing went clane out o' my head."