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It was generally employed to designate persons one of whose parents was an Arab and the other of a foreign race. At the time of Mahomed and afterwards there was in Yeman a great number of Abna whose fathers were Persians and whose mothers were Arabs. Dress of the Ulema.

He again visited China, and returned thence by Calicut, Yeman, Bagdad, and Damascus, to Cairo. After having visited Spain, he directed his travels to Africa; reached the capital of Morocco, and thence as far as Sodjalmasa.

For them who remain at home and for those that travel by sea or by land, there is the guarantee of God and of Mahomet, the Apostle of God, and for all that are with them, whether of Syria or of Yeman, or of the Sea Coast. Whoso contraveneth this treaty, his wealth shall not save him it shall be the fair prize of him that taketh it.

But look ye do no housbonde harme, That tilleth wyth his plough. "'No more ye shall no good yeman, That walketh by grene wood shawe; Ne no knyght, ne no squyer, That will be good felawe. "'These bysshoppes, and these archbysshoppes, Ye shall them bete and binde; The hye sheryff of Nottingham, Hym holde in your mynde.

In order to preserve the sewing, the whole outside was covered over with some of the gums of the country. It is a circumstance worthy of notice, that when the Portuguese first visited this coast, they found ships of exactly the same materials and construction. At Rhapta, the customs were farmed by the merchants of Moosa, though it was subject to one of the princes of Yeman.

Then good Gilbert bids him in his turn "'Stand forth and take his pay. "'If it be so, sayd Robyn, 'That may no better be, Syr Abbot, I delyver thee myn arrowe, I pray thee, Syr, serve thou me. "'It falleth not for myne order, saith the kynge, 'Robyn, by thy leve, For to smyte no good yeman, For doute I should hym greve.