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"Grandmother has been disturbed about you. Have you been away? It is a long time since you were at Oakwood." "Has it seemed so to you?" he said, tenderly. "I have been to the town, and I am but now r-returned within a pair of minutes. I have come to ask Mrs. Yare-brough to put into order my house for me."

He rose impatiently, and walked through the brush at the top of the field, slapping at the leaves with a switch that he had been stripping. Of a sudden he stopped and sat down on a stump. "Goin' down with me, Mr. Baron?" called 'Gene from the top of the loaded wagon. "No, I think not. I'll stay and talk with Bud a while. Come up here, Yare-brough," he added, as Frady drove off, whistling.

He sprang up to welcome her. "Come in, Mrs. Yare-brough. How do you do?" "Ah'm well, thank ye. How are you?" returned Melissa, in the polite formula of her kind. "Won't you have a cup of coffee?" "No, Ah thank you. How's Mrs. Baron?" "Mrs. Baron? Oh! She was very well the last time I was at Oakwood. She asks fr-requently for you and the baby." "Mrs. Baron's so sweet!

Yare-brough, for I would not tr-rust myself to the care of anybody whom I knew less well." "Truly? Then we'll stand here?" And Friedrich, looking at her beaming face, did not regret the effort. The other participants in the cotillon gained no praise from the spectators, for every eye was upon their unexpected guest. They applauded his successes and smiled encouragingly upon his mistakes.