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There was a brief interregnum while we dug ourselves in among the wurzels by hand. Then he touched off the fires, not omitting the Roman candle, and, you may take it from me, all was visible. Persimmon shone out in his naked splendour, red to port, green to starboard, and one white light at his bows, as per Board o' Trade regulations.

It costs too much to get sugar beets out of the ground, because it is their habit to grow small and bury themselves for the sake of the sugar maker, while stock beets grow largely above ground. Summer Start of Stock Beets. How can I make Mangel Wurzels grow in hot weather? The land is level and can be irrigated by flooding or ditching between the rows.

When Joanna left, he brought round her trap, as the saucy-eyed young groom was having a day off in Rye. "How've your turnips done?" he asked. "Not so good as last year, but the wurzels are fine." "Mine might be doing better" he stood fumbling with a trace-buckle. "Has that come loose?" asked Joanna. "Nun-no. I hope your little lady liked her oats." "She looks in good heart watch her tugging.

Through a French window, under sun-blinds not yet drawn up, he preceded her into the room where he was wont to study The Times and the sheets of an agricultural magazine, with huge illustrations of mangold wurzels, and the like, which provided Holly with material for her paint brush. "Dinner's in half an hour. You'd like to wash your hands! I'll take you to June's room."

What did you tell me about your wurzels?" "They're not so bad." "Then I can't see as there's any need for you to look glum." "No more there ain't," said Arthur in the voice of a man making a desperate decision. It was not till nearly a month later that Joanna heard that people were "talking" about Ellen and Sir Harry.

"The hay's best ever come off my ground, thanks to the manure from Monks Barton; and look at the wurzels! Miller hisself said he've never seed a more promising crop, high or low. An' the things be in prime kelter, tu; an' better than four hunderd pound of uncle's money still left." "Long may it be left, I'm sure.

Return to the vegetable existence he had led among the agricultural journals with the life-size mangold wurzels, before this new attraction came into his life no! He exceeded his allowance of cigars. Two a day had always been his rule. Now he smoked three and sometimes four a man will when he is filled with the creative spirit.

Return to the vegetable existence he had led among the agricultural journals with the life-size mangold wurzels, before this new attraction came into his life no! He exceeded his allowance of cigars. Two a day had always been his rule. Now he smoked three and sometimes four a man will when he is filled with the creative spirit.

The wounded rolling downhill with the wurzels informed us that he had long ago been socialised, and the smallest souvenirs were worth a man's life. Speaking broadly, the Junior Service appeared to be a shade out of 'and, if I may venture so far.

We would much prefer to lease it for two years than for five years of beet growing. Topping Mangel Wurzels. Does it harm the mangel wurzels if their tops ore cut off once a month? Removing leaves will decrease the size and harden the tissues of the beet root.