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De selfish man would rader dan put out his hand to work, Let women toil, an' sweat and moil as wicked as de Turk. De cream ob eberyt'ing he wants, let oders hab de skim; In fact de wurld and all it holds was only made for him. Chorus Oh when de sun, etc. So keep de ball a-rollin', boys, an' each one do his best To make de wurld a happy one for dat's how man is blest.

"Because I could live wid him no longer. You see, sir, I'm a poor foundling from the Belfast Asylum, shoved out by the mother that bore me, upon the wide wurld, long before I knew that I was in it. As I was too young to spake for myself intirely, she put me into a basket, wid a label round my neck, to tell the folks that my name was John Monaghan.

She said she'd ruined Tom's life an' all thet, an' she didn't want to live herself. Then she took sick, an' Nell an' I nursed her as careful as we could. How'n the wurld she ever got away we can't make out, nohow." "Did she get away?" asked the girl, noting that the old man's eyes were full of tears and his lips trembling. "Yes, miss.

'Onor's 'onor, all over the wurld!" says Mrs. Murphy, grasping the detective by the hand. "Stay till I tell ye all about it. Mary Maguire-indeed an' ye knows her, Mr. Fitzgerald-this same afternoon looked in to say 'how do ye do, Mrs. Murphy. See this! Mrs. Murphy, says she, 'an' the divil a sich a pocket of money I'd see before, as she held in her right hand, jist.

"You see, March," continued Bounce in a quiet way, thrusting his rugged countenance close to the embers occasionally, and blowing up the spark which he had kindled by means of flint, steel, and tinder "you see, this is a cur'ous wurld; it takes a feelosopher to onderstand it c'rectly, and even he don't make much o't at the best.

"Shure you are the only one of the crathers he ever made who can love poor John Monaghan. Brothers and sisters I have none I stand alone in the wurld, and your bonny wee face is the sweetest thing it contains for me. Och, jewil! I could lay down my life for you, and be proud to do that same." Though careless and reckless about everything that concerned himself, John was honest and true.

I objectid to payin, but they sed ef I didn't down with the dust thay'd wipe my Show from the face of the earth! Thay sed the Press was the Arkymedian Leaver which moved the wurld. I put up to their extorshuns until thay'd bled me so I was a meer shadder, and left in disgust.

"To Algiers, de city ob pirits; de hotbed ob wickedness; de home ob de Moors an' Turks an' Cabyles, and de cuss ob de whole wurld." Poor Foster's heart sank on hearing this, for he had heard of the hopeless slavery to which thousands of Christians had been consigned there in time past, and his recent experience of Moors had not tended to improve his opinion of them.

"Don't he eat women?" inquired March sleepily. "Yes, an' childers too. I forgot to tell ye he's a giant some o' the trappers calls him the `giant o' the hills, and they say he's 'bout thirty feet high some says forty. But there's no gittin' at the truth in this here wurld."

To our hero, however, and to Moses, the outburst seemed anything but "moderate," and that night as they two sat together in the cave after supper, listening with awe-struck faces to the cannonading and wild musketry going on as it seemed under their very feet, the negro solemnly imparted to Nigel in a low whisper that he thought "de end ob de wurld hab come at last!"