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He said it was a disgraceful an' corruptin' affair, an' he was ashamed to see th' young men iv th' parish takin' such an inthrest in it in Lent. But late Winsdah afthernoon he came bust-lin' down th' sthreet. 'Nice day, he says. It was poorin' rain. 'Fine, says I. 'They was no parade to-day, he says. 'No, says I. 'Too bad, says he; an' he started to go.

Mebbe 'tis as bad to take champagne out iv wan man's mouth as round steak out iv another's. Lent is near over. I seen Doherty out shinin' up his pipe that's been behind th' clock since Ash Winsdah. Th' girls 'll be layin' lilies on th' altar in a day or two. Th' spring's come on. Th' grass is growin' good; an', if th' Connock man's children back iv th' dumps can't get meat, they can eat hay."

Winsdah night a second ar-rmy iv injineers, miners, plumbers, an' lawn tinnis experts, numberin' in all four hundherd an' eighty thousand men, ar-rmed with death-dealin' canned goods, was hurried to Havana to storm th' city.

'On Ash Winsdah, he'd say, 'I'll go in f'r a rale season iv fast an' abstinince, he'd say. An' sure enough, whin Ash Winsdah come round at midnight, he'd take a long dhraw at his pipe an' knock th' ashes out slowly again his heel, an' thin put th' dhudeen up behind th' clock. 'There, says he, 'there ye stay till Easter morn, he says. Ash Winsdah he talked iv nawthin but th' pipe.

'It's Choosdah, th' fourth iv July; Winsdah, th' eighth iv October, an' Thursdah, the sivinteenth iv March, he says. 'Pathrick's day, says th' sicrety iv state. 'Thrue f'r ye, says Woo. 'What year? says Jawn Hay. 'The year iv th' big wind, says Woo. 'Good, says John Hay, 'proceed with ye'er story. 'Here's th' letther, says Woo.